Job closed
This job was closed at Aug 30, 2024 17:42 GMT.

Freelance English> Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Medical Benefits Translator

게시: Jul 8, 2024 03:38 GMT   (GMT: Jul 8, 2024 03:38)

Job type: 번역/편집/교정 작업
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: LOW

언어: 영어에서 중국어

직무 기술:
Position Summary:

Linguists are key players at TransPerfect. Your particular language skill and subject matter expertise will allow you to create and finalize the end product before it goes to the client. Under the guidance of your manager and in collaboration with Project Managers, you’ll be responsible for translating and proofreading documents pertaining to a variety of clients in the Insurance and Medical Benefits sectors. TransPerfect offers the possibility to work remotely anywhere in the world.

In order to meet the translation needs of our international clients, we are currently looking to expand our database of freelance linguists who translates:

From English into Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Insurance/Medical Benefits

Qualifications, Skills & Experience:

Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
Specialized in any of the field above.
Acute attention to detail, spelling and grammar.
Ability to maintain professionalism in all situations, especially under tight deadlines.

Candidates MUST also fulfil any ONE of the following requirements:

A Degree in Translation, Linguistics, or Language Studies or an equivalent degree that includes significant translation training, from a recognized institution of higher education;
2 years of translation experience and a college degree;
5 years of translation experience and no college degree; or
A certificate of competence in translation awarded by an appropriate government body.


Applicants will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement and complete free Translation, MTPE, and Proofreading tests respectively to evaluate their skills.
In case this skillset matches your profile, please apply directly in this job post with a latest CV attached.
In your CV, please include below:
a) your relevant Translation, MTPE, and Proofreading experience;

b) your proposed best Translation and MTPE per word rate, and Proofreading hourly rate in USD.

Only applicants who meet the above criteria will be contacted.

By applying, I confirm I have read and accept TransPerfect's Privacy Policy: [HIDDEN]

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Poster country: 홍콩

서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
info 필수 원어민 수준 언어: 중국어
주제 분야: 보험
info 선호 가격 제시자 소재지: 대만
가격 제시 마감일: Aug 30, 2024 17:42 GMT
납기: Sep 1, 2024 17:42 GMT
외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 3.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.