• 헝가리07:52
  • Rate per word €0.14 EUR
  • Rate per hour €35.00 EUR
  • Professional experience translating:
  • Books
  • Plays
  • Poetry
  • Songs
Starting in 1971, I attended the English Philology Institute of the University of Warsaw, Department of Foreign Languages. As I had a few years of experience as a student of theatrical arts in Hungary, I started to translate Polish and English plays and poems into Hungarian, partly on the request of Hungarian theaters. I worked on translations of some of the best known Elizabethan plays, including works of Thomas Dekker, John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont's The Knight of the Burning Pestle.
Interested in :
  • Books
  • Plays
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • Songs
Specializing in:
  • 회계
  • IT(정보기술)
  • 금융(일반)
  • 가축/축산업
  • 광고/홍보
  • 천문학 및 우주