Powwow Report for Germany - Wiesbaden (Oct 7 2016)

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Report from  ANNIE BATTEN
Lovely to meet everyone at the Wiesbaden Powwow and I hope we can make it a regular event!

Photos from  ANNIE BATTEN

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Kieran Sheehan
John O'Brien
Denise Dewey-Muno
Heinrich Stallmeister
Sheila Khalaf
ncousins (X)
Jules Steiner

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 10 '16  Heinrich Stallmeister: Friday\'s Powwow
Dear friends,
it was good to meet. I\'ll certainly like to stay in touch. A warm \'Thank you!\' to Annie again for setting up this powwow.
Oct 8 '16  ANNIE BATTEN: Wiesbaden Powwow
Thanks to everyone who turned up to the Powwow, hope to see you at the next one in November!