Powwow Report for - Virtual Powwow (Apr 30 2020)

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Report from  Andrew Morris
There were 9 of us in today's virtual powwow, and a jolly time we all had.

55 people actually signed up, so maybe 44 forgot. :D

But it may have been my fault too, as there was a discrepancy between my ProZ account time settings, which had me on GMT, and my own, which are of course in Barcelona.

So if you tried to come and couldn't get in for the first five minutes while I was frantically adjusting the settings, my bad. We'll do a rerun next week, using the content I planned to use today but didn't...

If you came, saw it was at 5pm and are planning to return at 5, my bad again. It's now over.

Put it all down to teething problems. But we're building up steam, and it's turning into a fun weekly event!

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: organizer : photos : report : host
Suzie Withers
Chris Spurgin
Ann-Charlotte Storer
Gilane Hassan
Andrew Morris
Zahra-Claire Bahrani-Peacock
Villő Ujvári
Noel Sequeira

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