Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 26 '20 eng>ita Some would say that’s not the best way to live C'è chi pensa che questo non sia proprio un bene. easy closed no
- Jan 10 '20 eng>ita Having contact with her that is so indifferent Cercarla e trovare solo indifferenza. easy closed no
4 Oct 4 '19 eng>ita There's a lot of assets C'è un sacco di roba easy closed no
4 Oct 4 '19 eng>ita the paper couldn't find you non c'era traccia di te sui documenti easy closed no
4 Oct 4 '19 eng>ita I'm going to look into this. Voglio vederci chiaro easy closed no
- Oct 2 '19 eng>ita Google won't let anyone keep a secret Non ci sono più segreti: Google non risparmia nessuno easy closed no
4 Sep 27 '19 eng>ita he couldn't surprise me if he wanted to. Non riuscirebbe a sorprendermi nemmeno se lo volesse. easy closed no
- Sep 27 '19 eng>ita don't charge at him all at once non fargli fare tutto in una volta easy closed no
4 Sep 27 '19 eng>ita Come meet some nice guys Vieni a conoscere un po' di bella gente, easy closed no
4 Dec 20 '17 eng>ita I don't want to have a bitter employee. Non voglio che qualcuno lavori controvoglia. easy closed ok
4 Dec 20 '17 eng>ita that's how far inside we can get dall'interno easy closed ok
- Dec 20 '17 eng>ita that's a tip for your life here as well dovresti fare così anche nella vita easy closed ok
4 Dec 20 '17 eng>ita make big shot decisions decisioni che contano easy closed ok
- Oct 23 '17 eng>ita I just want to assure you stai tranquillo easy closed no
- Oct 23 '17 eng>ita I can’t tell you what a relief that is. non sai che sollievo easy closed no
- Mar 29 '17 eng>ita was not what you would expect of non è proprio l'appartamento che uno si aspetta di vedere da un gay easy closed ok
4 Mar 23 '17 eng>ita I mean we stowed away intendo che ci siamo intrufolati (di nascosto) easy closed ok
4 Mar 6 '17 eng>ita it exhausts me how the responsibility A volte mi pesa il fatto che la responsabilità... easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered