Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 24 '13 esl>rus pegar (en el patio) дворовые музыканты pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '10 eng>rus meat-and-potatoes sound that was mostly potatoes "мясо с гарниром", а в гарнире мяса-то и не найдешь pro closed no
- Apr 25 '09 eng>rus brought in a little shaping даже выстраивал(а) фразу кистью и рукой pro closed no
- Apr 26 '09 eng>rus have the courage to weight the quicker notes more deliberately не стоит опасаться утяжелить и более быстрые отрывки pro closed no
- Nov 29 '08 eng>rus the way you feel things and see how you can contribute Личное восприятие мира и осознание собственного места в этом мире - это... pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '07 eng>rus enter into the musical fray please, see below pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '07 eng>rus knows his drum beans Размышления… pro closed no
- Mar 26 '07 eng>rus ad hoc appearance Произвольный/спонтанный/каждый раз разный вид pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered