Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 23 '09 esl>eng Nunca las huellas fueron tanto las marcas Rarely has a presence left such a deep impact pro closed no
4 Sep 15 '09 esl>eng disgregación germinal fundamental diversity of views pro closed no
4 Sep 10 '09 esl>eng quienes se volcaron who extravagantly sang their praises. pro closed no
- Sep 9 '09 esl>eng A quiénes dirigen su propuesta What is the target population of your proposal? pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '09 esl>eng tener la vida comprada No one / nobody is immune. pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '09 esl>eng el lujo (in this context) distinction and style with respect to attire pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '09 esl>eng pasivizada the internalized expression / the involuntary expression pro just_closed no
- Sep 1 '09 esl>eng integrarnos con el cosmos incorporate us into the wider world pro closed ok
4 Aug 28 '09 esl>eng se halla purificado en primera instancia upon review of his case, he has been exonerated pro closed ok
4 Aug 26 '09 esl>eng entregarse to fully give himself to another person / to totally commit himself to another person pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '09 esl>eng lugar primordial endows these [Mexican] recipes with their [highly] distinctive character. pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '09 esl>eng voz (in this context) [see below] pro closed no
- Aug 21 '09 esl>eng investigadores de cepa which has been recounted by our most distinguished researchers pro closed no
- Aug 20 '09 esl>eng brutalmente has reached astounding heights in Mexico, Spain and Brazil pro closed ok
- Aug 20 '09 esl>eng miedo como segunda piel pervasive and never-ending fear pro closed ok
4 Aug 18 '09 esl>eng acuñación .....they were no longer minted thereafter. pro closed no
- Aug 18 '09 esl>eng estas monedas se troquelaron These coins were in circulation in 1828-1829.... pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '09 esl>eng comportamiento Hemodialysis in.......... pro closed ok
4 Aug 12 '09 esl>eng al espacio que las acoge that lend a different meaning to the surrounding space pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '09 esl>eng le tocaba ahora transformarlo the time had come for him to transform the medium pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '09 esl>eng al alcance de la mano [see below] pro closed no
- Jan 2 '09 esl>eng hizo el rancho con su trabajo He built the ranch himself. pro closed no
- Jan 2 '09 esl>eng formato monologante which form part of a series of monologues delivered by different actors pro closed ok
4 Dec 27 '08 esl>eng función política de denuncia [see below] pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '08 esl>eng cinéfilo a ultranza diehard film buffs pro closed no
4 Nov 26 '08 esl>eng modo neto Scheler carefully distinguishes // Scheler clearly distinguishes pro closed no
4 Nov 25 '08 esl>eng donde está presente el diseño Solutions that are simple, straightforward, functional, and stylish. pro closed no
- Nov 23 '08 esl>eng Eva en el paraíso Eva: Garden of many delights pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '08 esl>eng colmatación an impressive display of erudition // an ostentatious show of erudidition pro closed no
- Nov 13 '08 esl>eng ensayo efforts pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '08 esl>eng por todo lo dicho We can therefore clearly see... pro closed ok
4 Nov 13 '08 esl>eng está bien resuelto el encuentro y la inserción The plaza has an arresting visual appeal, and also blends in seamlessly with its surroundings. pro closed no
- Nov 10 '08 esl>eng barrio de cuidado in this hellhole. pro closed no
- Nov 10 '08 esl>eng Cualquier reclamación que sea sin membrete If complain you must, do so anonymously pro just_closed no
- Oct 29 '08 esl>eng todo lo que quiere decir se agolpa entre recuerdos fugaces Every thought she tries to express has to be salvaged from fleeting memories. pro open no
- Oct 22 '08 esl>eng traducirlas a un programa espacial rose to the challenge of reflecting those needs within the space of the museum itself. pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '08 esl>eng hacer universidad For the total college experience, you cannot do better than Lleida. pro closed no
- Sep 14 '08 esl>eng Manifiesta cierto temor a la sexualidad He appears to be rather fearful regarding sexual matters. pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '08 esl>eng máximo exponente prototype pro closed ok
4 Sep 12 '08 esl>eng ¿Qué comes que adivinas? How could you possibly know [that]? // How is it that you know [that]? pro closed no
- Aug 25 '08 esl>eng pictorisismo académico painterly academic style pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '08 esl>eng bochornante disgraceful/contemptible pro closed no
- Aug 13 '08 esl>eng le aplicó un tratamiento especial until it was subjected to a special treatment by... pro closed ok
- May 5 '08 esl>eng amor, un viaje por oscuro recinto Love is a journey to faraway places. pro closed ok
- Apr 3 '08 esl>eng vértice femenino the dillema[s] that each of the women face pro closed ok
4 Mar 31 '08 esl>eng De nuestra consideracion: In response to your request // In response to the request in your last message/letter pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '08 esl>eng Lo mejor es enemigo de lo bueno The ideal is the enemy of the good. pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '07 esl>eng concluyó lapidario The financial daily concluded, in words not likely to be soon forgotten,... pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '07 esl>eng Hundían en el estupor that made me feel like a zombie pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '07 esl>eng Cuando seas padre comerás huevos When you're a big boy/girl, you can do grown-up things. pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered