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ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
English to Chinese
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To avoid confusion and facilitate discussion Oct 19, 2014

To avoid confusion and facilitate discussion, I’d like to quote more contexts from respective links as follows:

1. English original:
Great battery life. Even while powering great new features.

iPhone 6 is designed to be incredibly efficient. So you can spend your day taking advantage of all its new features and apps while getting better battery life.*

2. The Chinese version used for the mainland of the country south of Russia and Mongolia:

iPhone 6 为非凡效能而设计。因此,有了更出色的电池使用时间*,你每天都可以尽情享受它的各种全新功能和 app。

3. The Chinese version used for the region south of the Shenzhen River:

iPhone 6 的超凡節能設計,讓你擁有更佳的電池使用時間*,每天盡情使用所有全新功能及眾多不同的 app。

4. The Chinese version used for the region on the other side of the Strait:

iPhone 6 的設計卓越高效,所以,你能花整天時間,善用它所有的新功能和 app,又能享受它更為出色的電池續航力*。

Please forgive me for the clumsy and wordy descriptions of the geographical regions and please don't laugh at me. I am not making a joke on myself! My sole purpose is to facilitate discussion while trying to fully comply with the site rules, particularly, the site rule .

For additional contexts, please see the following link (as well as the links for the three different Chinese versions):

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:57
English to Chinese
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意犹未尽 Oct 19, 2014

三种可能性都有:苹果发包给美国某公司找了个在美华人翻译,或是该美国公司找了个大陆翻译(此种情况也属于此美国翻译公司有问题)。苹果发包给大陆某翻译公司,找了个大陆翻译;只有这种情况,“大陆又输了”也许才能算是stigma well attached or well earned.

... See more
三种可能性都有:苹果发包给美国某公司找了个在美华人翻译,或是该美国公司找了个大陆翻译(此种情况也属于此美国翻译公司有问题)。苹果发包给大陆某翻译公司,找了个大陆翻译;只有这种情况,“大陆又输了”也许才能算是stigma well attached or well earned.

最近两年我做了不少非政府组织的有关环保、资源、矿产供应链等内容的项目。这些非政府组织是国际性的,本身也有汉语人才资源,而且恐怕是那些翻译公司或发包者做梦都想要的、能信任的高级人才。比如,一个有关矿产供应链调查的指引性文件。由于文本和法律用语有关,他们就请个律师来审核。此人除了其他能力外,肯定熟稔法律(但是在此真有用吗?);而且他的时间肯定很宝贵和值钱,所以只看了大概十来页,也没做多少改动。但是,那么大的文件,偏偏就那么寥寥几处改动,却还改错了,而且还是错在最不应错的地方。不但是最关键的字,而且是错在标题上。后来翻译公司的联系人跟我说:We want to take him seriously because he is a lawyer.


Local time: 12:57
French to Chinese
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谢谢你提供的链接 Oct 19, 2014

J.H. Wang wrote:

Loise wrote:

Battery life有两个意思:电池充电后的使用时间,简称电池续航时间或电池使用时间;另一个意思和battery lifespan同义,指电池使用寿命。通常上下文都会提供足够的信息,让我们知道Battery life究竟是指哪一种情况,很难把它翻错。

回到iphone 6,我倒是听说它的续航时间虽然变长了,但还是不怎么理想,就电力而言,并没有广告词里说得那么 。所以它那去的广告是有点夸了。需要经常充电的智能手机用起来挺不方便的。

[Edited at 2014-10-18 04:15 GMT]



Battery life may refer to:

How long a device can work on a single charge of a rechargeable battery
Battery lifetime: duration of a rechargeable battery, often stated in number of charge/discharge cycles, until it degrades irreversibly and cannot hold a useful charge


[Edited at 2014-10-18 15:36 GMT]

battery life表示充电电池的续航时间的用法还是比较常见的,但我记得还是看过battery life在文本里是作为battery lifespan的同义词,指充电电池使用寿命,但已经找不到这些文本。谢谢你的链接。


[Edited at 2014-10-19 04:34 GMT]

Local time: 04:57
English to Chinese
Second thought Oct 19, 2014

Phil Hand wrote:

wherestip wrote:

Simply stated, "battery life" refers to the time duration of usage between charges; for example, it could be 8 hours, 9 hours, ... 12 hours ..., etc.. Whereas "battery life span" refers to the time between a new battery is put into use until it is worn out completely (e.g., it no longer keeps a charge) and needs to be replaced.


我在网上查了一下“持航时间”和“续航时间”的英文翻译,许多在线词典结果都是“battery life”。看来这种用法还是相当普遍。虽然“battery” 给翻没了,又凭空出现了与航行有关的字眼,但既然大家都能接受,不会有歧义,这样翻译也未尝不可。

从纯技术角度讲,“battery life" 只能是电池的使用寿命。电池本身并没有第二种意义上的“life”。我怀疑这个新意义上的“life”,是手持设备商业宣传创造出来的。电池的电量技术指标是“毫安小时”。同一块电池,用在不同设备上,由于单位时间放电量不同,持续使用时间会大不相同。只有在具体的设备上,才有比较确定的使用时间。当然,现在的手持设备都使用专用电池,而不是通用电池。所以,说手机的“续航时间”,就是指这款手机使用原装电池时的使用时间。反之,谈论电池时," battery life“也只能是指它用在定制设备上的使用时间。这样看,“battery life” 和“续航时间”除了字面差别外,意义基本重合。

[Edited at 2014-10-19 09:57 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
Chinese to English
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Technical jargon for batteries Oct 19, 2014

Fargoer wrote:

从纯技术角度讲,“battery life" 只能是电池的使用寿命。电池本身并没有第二种意义上的“life”。我怀疑这个新意义上的“life”,是手持设备商业宣传创造出来的。


I'm afraid that's also the vocabulary of design engineers at hi-tech companies like where I used to work. Like I said before, for folks who design mobile electronics for a living, "battery life" means how long a charge would last.

Anyway, what you and Phil said about 持航时间、续航时间 is probably true. Having been away from China for so long, I really have no idea what the correct technical jargon should be (for "battery life"). I did bother to do a search the other day though; the best I could come up with was "持续放电时间".

Kenneth Woo
Kenneth Woo
Local time: 18:57
English to Chinese
續航時間、持航時間 Oct 19, 2014

我在网上查了一下“持航时间”和“续航时间”的英文翻译,许多在线词典结果都是“battery life”。看来这种用法还是相当普遍。虽然“battery” 给翻没了,又凭空出现了与航行有关的字眼,但既然大家都能接受,不会有歧义,这样翻译也未尝不可。



Initially I thought 持航時間 made no sense but it seems I was wrong. 持 does have the meaning of 保持 or keep, for example 心不能持.

[Edited at 2014-10-19 11:45 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
Chinese to English
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from tech jargon to everyday use Oct 19, 2014

Smartphones with the longest battery life

Huawei Ascend Mate 2_____________14:43
OnePlus One_____________________13:16
Nokia Lumia 1520 (AT&T)___________11:28
LG G Flex________________________11:25
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (T-Mobile)____11:15
Samsung Galaxy S5________________10:50
Apple iPhone 6 Plus________________10:00
HTC One M8_______________________9:52
Samsung Galaxy S5 Active (AT&T)_____9:37
Motorola Droid Maxx (Verizon)_________9:25

[Edited at 2014-10-19 19:12 GMT]

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
现在来看,Battery life 和 Battery lifespan 含义开始分工了 Oct 19, 2014

jyuan_us wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:
Battery life 和 Battery lifespan 是同义词,都可以翻译成“电池寿命”。“电池使用时间” 的确不够准确。

也许不能说它们是同意词,一次性电池似乎只用Battery life。 用Battery lifespan形容一次性电池,似乎很少听到。这词有点大,母语者听起来可能有点怪异。不过我没有根据,只是凭感觉。听听英语母语者怎么说吧。

Battery life 指一次充电后的使用寿命;Battery lifespan 指电池本身的寿命。

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:57
English to Chinese
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是我当时没仔细看 Oct 19, 2014

ysun wrote:

wherestip wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:



Of course. For non-rechargeable batteries the two terms would be synonymous. But in this case we're talking about the difference of the two terms when used in the official advertisement of the iPhone 6.

It may be my fault for not providing sufficient information on top of the paragraph Steve quoted from my post. I thought I provided.

[Edited at 2014-10-18 03:03 GMT]


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
No Oct 19, 2014

J.H. Wang wrote:



It's definitely not your fault.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
Chinese to English
+ ...
"Great" battery life Oct 19, 2014

BTW, I personally have no problem with terminology such as "续航时间"、"持航时间", especially if such usage is widely accepted by the engineering community and the consumers.

ysun wrote:

... 而且,“Battery life”是个“长”或“短”的概念,不该用“出色”或“逊色”来形容。否则,就不合乎逻辑。我们可以说,“这段時間他表现很出色”,但不能说,“这段時間很出色”。象“電池使用時間依然出色”这种译文,如果不看原文还真难以确定它是什么意思。许多类似的不伦不类的译文,就是这样逐渐成为“约定俗成”,最后又成了“经典误译”。

However, what Yueyin pointed out here is a good example of substandard translation. I agree with him that "出色" is a superficial translation for "great"; IMO "持久" is more like it. I would go out on a limb and say that the use of "出色" here is representative of poor Chinese translations that don't grasp the true meaning of an English word in its context.

Put into context, what "Great battery life" actually refers to is the long duration of battery charge between necessary recharges.

FWIW, the link that I provided before gives some indication of what is inherently meant by "Best Battery Life". (keeping in mind that "best" could roughly approximate "great" ).

Smartphones with the longest battery life

[Edited at 2014-10-19 19:13 GMT]

United States
Local time: 06:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
rules Oct 19, 2014

ysun wrote:
Please forgive me for the clumsy and wordy descriptions of the geographical regions and please don't laugh at me.

I tried very hard, but couldn't help myself.

ysun wrote:
I am not making a joke on myself! My sole purpose is to facilitate discussion while trying to fully comply with the site rules, particularly, the site rule .

Right, we should not overlook the side rules; I actually should take time to read these rules carefully.

[Edited at 2014-10-19 17:20 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-10-19 22:52 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
“電池使用時間依然出色” Oct 19, 2014


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
續航力 Oct 19, 2014

Fargoer wrote:
Phil Hand wrote:



Generally speaking, I agree with you. Let’s see the explanation for 續航 and 續航力 from this link (in traditional Chinese for the region on the other side of the Strait):
續航 - 持續航行。如:「這艘豪華客輪不僅布置得富麗堂皇,續航時間也超越一般輪船。」
續航力 - 飛機或輪船在規定情況下,中途不再加油而能繼續行駛的最大航程。

Here, 續航力 is used for describing performance of a plane or a ship, NOT its oil storage tanks. 续航时间 of a ship mainly depends on her oil storage tanks' capacity and engines’ energy efficiency (similar to what you said - 持航时间决定于电池的性能和设备的能效). Even if it is acceptable to use 續航力 for describing an iPhone as a whole, it is still weird to use 續航力 for describing its battery life. Apparently, the oil storage tanks of a plane or a ship are unable to fly or sail by themselves. So, it would be illogical to use 續航力 for describing an iPhone's battery life.

[Edited at 2014-10-19 18:58 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:57
English to Chinese
+ ...
For the above reason Oct 19, 2014

電池續航力 is 經典誤譯.

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