Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 18 '15 eng>ind Negotiating traffic in the hills with grace melewati padatnya lalu-lintas tanjakan dengan santai pro closed no
4 Mar 11 '15 eng>ind underlevered rasio utang terlalu rendah pro closed no
- Mar 10 '15 eng>ind English-speaking world dunia berpenutur bahasa Inggris pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '15 eng>ind plain injustice kesewenangan tegas pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '15 eng>ind takeover defense perlawanan (terhadap) pengambilalihan pro closed ok
- Mar 5 '15 ind>eng Penda (penata muda) First Class Junior Superintendent pro closed ok
4 Mar 4 '15 eng>ind watering hole kubangan air pro closed no
4 Feb 27 '15 eng>ind the age of majority in proper jurisdiction usia cakap hukum dalam yurisdiksi yang sesuai pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '15 eng>ind INCISION sayatan pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '15 eng>ind Flying reimagined terbang gaya baru pro closed no
4 Feb 8 '15 eng>ind He missed the first but played in the second of back-to-back 5-2 defeats ia tidak main di laga pertama, tapi diturunkan di laga kedua yang kembali berujung kekalahan 5-2 pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '15 ind>eng gempa berpotensi tsunami likely tsunamigenic earthquake pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '15 ind>eng Jangan Sampai I am afraid you have to take action pro closed no
- Jan 10 '15 ind>eng Wiraswasta dan Pegawai Wiraswasta entrepreneur and entrepreneur employee pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '15 eng>ind floating surgeons dokter bedah terbang pro closed no
- Jan 9 '15 eng>ind a team roster daftar/senarai tim pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '15 eng>ind in favour of sesuai dengan pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '15 eng>ind extracted disita pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind engagement overview ringkasan pergaulan pro closed no
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind PAPER Patient Clinical History riwayat klinis pasien (berupa) kertas pro just_closed no
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind a highly demanding school system sistem sekolah yang sangat ketat easy closed no
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind Born before arrival kelahiran licin pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '15 eng>ind Notwithstanding the foregoing menyimpang dari sebelumnya/terdahulu pro closed ok
4 Jan 3 '15 eng>ind in that it's your work karena itu adalah pekerjaan Anda pro closed ok
- Dec 23 '14 eng>ind In Store Credit cek beli setara pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '14 eng>ind struck off dihapus pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '14 ind>eng Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia decree of the minister of justice and human rights pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '14 eng>ind novation agreement perjanjian/kesepakatan perubahan pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '14 eng>ind Rice paddy herb kehkehan atau daun kardemom pro closed no
- Dec 19 '14 eng>ind a first preferred naval mortgage hak tanggungan kapal pilihan pertama (utama) pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '14 eng>ind a better sense of direction sadar arah lebih baik easy closed no
- Dec 19 '14 eng>ind merchant marine perkapalan niaga pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '14 eng>ind welcome pack pernik tabik pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '14 eng>ind Facility Letter and Facilities (surat) perjanjian peminjaman fasilitas dan fasilitas pro closed no
- Dec 18 '14 eng>ind ask for an audience memohon menjadi tamu easy closed no
- Dec 17 '14 ind>eng Surat Keterangan Kemampuan Produksi statement letter of production capability pro closed ok
- Dec 16 '14 ind>eng Penggunaan Produk Dalam Negeri Dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah; appropriation of locally-manufactured products in governmental product/service procurement pro closed ok
4 Dec 17 '14 ind>eng untuk itu dengan tidak mengurangi pembatasan-pembatasan menurut peraturan perund therefore without prejudice to restriction in accordance with laws and regulations pro closed no
- Dec 13 '14 eng>ind do more with less tampil maksimal secara minimal pro closed no
- Dec 4 '14 eng>ind Qualify for the Ride punya SIM A pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '14 eng>ind "crow's foot" wrench kunci pas pro closed ok
- Apr 7 '13 eng>ind but even that seems limited some days tak dinyana masih kurang juga pro closed no
- Feb 14 '13 eng>ind Stood me out saya ditelantarkan pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '13 eng>ind four by fours mobil SUV pro closed no
- Feb 12 '13 eng>ind trailer gerbong tarik pro closed no
- Feb 12 '13 eng>ind in others the opposite is true dalam perekonomian lainnya kebalikannya-lah yang berlaku pro closed no
- Feb 12 '13 eng>ind Going even further back in time melongok makin jauh lagi di masa silam pro closed no
- Feb 8 '13 eng>ind pop up restaurants restoran tenda pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '13 eng>ind point five to one foot mush ombaknya selutut sampai sepinggang pro closed ok
4 Feb 5 '13 eng>ind I-shift gearbox girboks i-shift pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered