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Aug 12, 2009 06:29
14 yrs ago
English term

the story to the right

English Other Other
The following text comes from the foreword to a book:

"My daughter Rachel created the story to the right to help articulate in pictures what the problem is with presentations today."

I do not know what story is meant here.
There is no story to the right side of the text.
Is it directed to the right people then?


DarekS (asker) Aug 12, 2009:
You are right. The picture story is not to the right side of the text but bellow the whole foreword.

Thank you for your help.
Jack Doughty Aug 12, 2009:
It doesn't appear to make sense as it stands I would think "the story to the right" must mean a picture story that was at one time to the right of the text. Perhaps the author's words applied to an earlier edition of the book and have been reproduced here without amendment, although there is now no picture.


2 hrs

tandem story

See: The Reluctant Homeschooler: Tandem story
13 Mar 2009 ... Alexandra, Larissa and I – sat in a circle around a table and passed the story to the right. We had 10 minutes to write (I set a timer), ... - Cached - Similar

For creative writing today, we wrote a tandem story. Actually four tandem stories.

Tandem means “a group of two or more arranged one behind the other.” Thus a tandem story is one that someone starts then passes off to someone else to continue. You can go back and forth in partners, but the four of us – Jacob, Alexandra, Larissa and I – sat in a circle around a table and passed the story to the right. We had 10 minutes to write (I set a timer), then wherever we were in the story, we had to pass it off. Each time we got a story, we read the story from the beginning, then continued adding to it for another 10 minutes. We did this four times. That fourth and last person had to end the story. No one got any story more than once and had no control over where the story went next.
Something went wrong...