Mar 2, 2018 16:32
6 yrs ago
polski term

system połówkowy/ćwiartkowy

polski > angielski Technika/inżynieria Statki, żegluga, marynarka navigation
Chodzi o sposób wskazywania kierunku w nawigacji morskiej, za :

System połówkowy od widocznego bieguna czyli N lub S w kierunku E lub W, od 0 do 180° System stosowany najczęściej w astronawigacji.
System ćwiartkowy od N lub S w kierunku E lub W, od 0 do 90°

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Pół odpowiedzi na temat systemu połówkowego/ćwiartkowego. Istnieją relative, absolute, azimuth, quadrant bearings, ale nie znam systemu połówkowego.

Proposed translations

  42 min

quadrant bearing system

The other known system is "azimuth bearing," but it runs from 0 to 360.

Quadrant bearing:
In this method the compass dial is divided into four quadrants, namely NE, SE, SW, and NW. North and south are at 0 degrees, and depending on the quadrant, angles (up to 90 degrees) are measured away from north or south (whichever is nearer) towards East and West directions. For example since Northeast (NE) is 45 degrees towards east of North, using quadrant notation it would be N45°E (read North-45 degrees-East). Similarly NNW is equal to N22.5°W. ESE is S67.5°E.
The compass dial is divided into 360 degrees. North is 0° or 360°. Angles are measured clockwise from North. Therefore East is 90°, South is 180° and West is 270°. Converting azimuths to quadrant bearings or vice versa is easy. For example an azimuth of 140° is greater than 90° and less than 180°, therefore it is in SE quadrant. There are 180 - 140 = 40 degrees between the South and the point, therefore the quadrant bearing is S40°E. Similarly 287° (greater than 270° and less than 360°) is equal to N73°W. A quadrant bearing of S37°W is in the SW quadrant and is equal to an azimuth of 180 + 37 = 217°. Military lensatic compasses use mil (milliradian) as a measurement unit instead of (or in addition to) degrees, with their dials usually divided into 6400 mils.
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  7 godz.
polski term (edited): system ćwiartkowy

the quadrantal bearing (Q.B.) /reduced bearing (RB) system

The quadrantal bearing (Q.B.) also known as reduced bearing (RB)

vs. Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)
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