Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 21 '23 ara>eng عالية وتصاعدية ٍrobust and increasing pro closed ok
- May 10 '21 ara>eng وتصفية التركات والأوقاف الذرية settling/settlement of estates and family endowments pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '20 ara>eng بحضورى انا مأذون شرعى . . . in my presence, the officiant authorized to perform marriages in Islamic law . . . pro closed no
- Jun 30 '20 ara>eng فيما عرضت له من المسائل in regards to the issues that came up concerning it pro closed no
3 Jan 8 '20 ara>eng ذلك حينه at that time pro closed no
4 Apr 3 '19 ara>eng زود بهذا التأييد لغرض تصديقه من المراجع المختصة . pro closed no
- Nov 27 '18 ara>eng بأن يراعي في مباشرته لأوجه نشاطه بالعين المؤجرة while pursuing aspects of his activities on the leased premises, show regard for pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '18 ara>eng والحصول على موافقته الخطية أو اعتراضه عليها أو إبداء ملاحظاته التي يراها and his written agreement, objections to them, or observations can be obtained pro closed ok
- Nov 25 '18 ara>eng للانتفاع بالحقوق الإيجارية طبقأ لهذا العقد to enjoy the rental rights in accordance with this contract pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '18 ara>eng بصورة مفصلة في ضبطه برقم 21 وصحيفه 24 من المجلد الثاني as a detailed entry under no. 21 on page 24 of the second volume easy open no
- Mar 12 '18 ara>eng وتحرر هذا محضراً منا بذلك and this was drawn up by us as a report on that pro closed no
4 Feb 25 '18 ara>eng والموضح توقيع ادناه بالتوقيع على كافة المعاملات the person whose signature is shown below is authorized to sign on all dealings/transactions pro closed no
- Feb 11 '18 ara>eng ويفوض المالك كذلك بالحق بإستخدام شيك الضمان and gives the owner the right to use the security deposit pro closed no
- Mar 13 '17 ara>eng توفّر الدّرجة الوظيفية من الحذف fulfillment of "functional ranking" for forcible seizure... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered