Aug 6, 2002 15:05
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Russian term


Milana_R Aug 8, 2002:
is it perhaps the consistency of a Jelly Bean? Or if it is a kind of candy, could it actually be a Jelly Bean? Aug 6, 2002:
Asker I'ts something like fruit leather, ������, but softer. Aug 6, 2002:
Asker I'm not the original Asker of this word. I'm merely passing on information that I received about its meaning. Since I'm not the Asker, I can't make a judgment about what term is correct. Personally, I'd use "podvarka" and give a parenthetical explanation the first time it is used. Not every word has an equivalent in another language.

Proposed translations

3 mins

re-brewed tea

It can also mean tea that has been brewed for the second (third, etc) time (the same leaves). Hence, more context might be necessary.

Note added at 2002-08-06 16:15:17 (GMT)

seems like everyone else has the context, though =) Than that\'s not the tea \"podvarka\" indeed.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Libero_Lang_Lab : alex, you're right some inside knowledge is available - check out the entry for limmonaya podvarka.
2 hrs
I wish ppl wrote full-context questions instead of referring to some previous issues =(
Something went wrong...
Comment: "See my added note"
8 mins

turkish delight ; turkish paste ; loukhoum

Usually cut in squares and dusted with confectioner's sugar.
There is also an Armenian variant.

Note added at 2002-08-07 07:14:27 (GMT)

fruit roll ; fruit roll-up
the Armenian name for this is bastegh, it\'s made by the same method as in Russia and the US.
In the US there are many fruit roll-up products that are popular as a healthy alternative to candy for children.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Libero_Lang_Lab : could be, though I think in Russian you also have лукум or something like that... paxaт лухум but i came across that in Azerbaijan, so could just be a local thing...
28 mins
disagree rapid : It is another thing.
33 mins
disagree Alex Pchelintsev : that's a different thing
58 mins
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Comment: "See my added note"
11 mins

А может быть что-то вроде "Fruit paste"?

Что-то вроде пасты или пастилы?
Peer comment(s):

agree rapid : I would say candied fruit paste. Because this fruit paste is cooked with sugar. See link below
44 mins
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Comment: "See my added note"
27 mins

лимонная подварка = candied lemon ?

Aha, the great "podvarka" debate resurfaces... hats off to you Jack for being so dogged in pursuit of the truth, when I and many others seemed content to settle for "extract" - which was clearly wrong!

How about candied lemon.

Don't know if you have that across the Pond, but we do. It's like pieces of lemon crystallised in sugar.

Could be the answer...

Note added at 2002-08-06 15:49:49 (GMT)

Especially as it is not whole pieces of fruit but some form of jelly-type mush which has been resolidifed! Yuk.

Note added at 2002-08-06 16:29:01 (GMT)

Hmmm, I still reckon this might be the closest hit. Check out this delightful recipe for candied cranberries (

My first advice for anyone making candied fruit is to get a calendar or journal to help you keep track of what step you are at in this long process. This is especially important if you are doing several fruits or citrus rinds at the same time. Yea, you can use this process for almost any fresh fruit both wild and domestic.

Use only firm, unblemished fruit in this process and always wash fruit before hand. It will be necessary to prick each cranberry before the first step with a needle otherwise they will burst open in the cooking process and become mushy.

Candied Cranberries

In a sauce pan place your washed and needle pricked cranberries. Cover with just enough water to cover and set on a medium heat. Allow to cook for 3-4 minutes. Not enough time to make the fruit mushy but enough time to break down the cell walls so your sugar will penetrate the cranberries easily over the next couple of weeks. Remove your cranberries from the heat and strain keeping the juice aside.

For every one pound of fruit that you just cooked place 1 and 1/4 cup of liquid in a sauce pan. Heat to a boil and dissolve 3/4 cups of granular sugar. When completely dissolved pour this sugar mixture over your cranberries and set this aside. Note here that if at all possible you should lay your fruit in a single layer for the sugar syrup. This allows the syrup to cover every piece of fruit. As I am limited on kitchen space I saved the single layer technique for orange slices and such of that nature but I used glass jars for grapes and cranberries. As all fruits used love to float do weight down your single layer fruits with a plate and your jarred items with a small custard bowl set inside the jar. Leave your fruit to set at room temperature for 24 hours.

On day 2 strain off your syrup and place it in a sauce pan. Heat and dissolve 1/4 of additional sugar to the syrup and cover your fruit with the syrup when it reaches a hard boil and all the sugar is dissolved.Cover and leave for another 24 hours. Repeat this process for days 3,4,5,6, and 7.

On day 8 drain off your syrup and dissolve 1/3 of a cup of sugar by bring the syrup to a hard boil. This time though you will add your fruit, allow the mixture to reach a boil then place the fruit and syrup back in your container to age for 48 hours. Repeat this process again on day 10 but leave set for 4 days before moving onto the next step. (See why a journal is important now? It just gets confusing where you are at otherwise.)

On day 14 your syrup will have the consistency of honey. With many fruits it will also have a golden color as does honey but with cranberries it will be a marvelous scarlet. Drain your fruit in a colander saving the syrup and setting it aside. When the fruit is completely drained dry it for 2-3 days in a warm, dry place or in your oven at it\'s lowest setting with the door held ajar with a wooden spoon. For either method do stir the fruit on occasion to insure a complete and thorough drying of the fruit. For air drying I would imagine that laying your fruit on wax paper would be good but for the oven I used a non stick cookie sheet.

The fruit can be used strait away without drying in fruit cakes and cookies. If you dry them completely you can grind them into a coarse meal to be used as a sprinkle for cakes, breakfast cereals or trail mixes. And they byproduct of fruit syrup? That is a welcome addition to our table I use it for glazes for deserts, on ice-cream or pancakes. And if you are like me, it is never enough to victimize just your family so do pass along your hard work in gift baskets over the holidays.

Other fruit you can candy include but are not limited to: apple, peaches, apricots, grapes, mango, kiwi, pear, citrus or wild fruits. Keep each fruit separate or the flavors will blend and if using small fruits such as cherries do take the time to pit them. Keep sections of fruit uniform in size for each batch and most of all allow this to be a fun project. The possibilities end only where your imagination ends.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Remedios : Это цукаты. См. ниже, пжлст
22 mins
Incognita, take a look at the recipe above and see what you think.
neutral Milana_R : nice recipies, but, no :(
1 day 16 hrs
you should try my bouillabaise
Something went wrong...
Comment: "See my note. This is the first and last time I ever bring a"
51 mins

Не ответ, но может помочь:

Приготовление подварки (фруктовое пюре смешивают с равным количеством сах. песка и уваривают до влажности 25-30% около 30 минут при температуре 100° -110° С).

Судя по результатам поиска, подварку делают на основе любых фруктов и даже овощей (напр. морковки).

Note added at 2002-08-06 15:58:13 (GMT)

candied fruit sauce?

Note added at 2002-08-06 16:34:16 (GMT)

может, дать описательно:

fruit sause boiled down with sugar?

Note added at 2002-08-06 17:26:55 (GMT)

Рецепт цукатов для Дена :-):

Цукаты из вишни
Для приготовления цукатов Вам потребуются:
вишня - 1 кг;
сахар - 2.2 кг;
вода - 2 стакана;
для сиропа:
вода - 2 стакана;
сахар - 1.5 стакана

Зрелую сочную вишню промыть, разложить в литровые банки. Влить в сахар воду, поставить на огонь и приготовить сироп. Кипящим сиропом залить вишню и выдержать 1-2 дня, после чего отделить вишню с помощью дуршлага. В сироп добавить 300 г сахара, довести до кипения, залить им вишню и вновь отставить. Так повторять еще 5 раз, каждый раз добавляя 300 г сахара. В последний раз вишню оставить в сиропе на 10-15 дней, затем вишню вместе с сиропом вылить в дуршлаг и оставить на несколько часов, чтобы сироп полнее отделился. Вишню разложить на сите и подсушить в духовке при температуре около 40 градусов. Чтобы подсохшие плоды не слипались, пересыпать их мелким сахарным песком. Хранить цукаты в герметично закрываемой посуде.

(еще рецепты:

Note added at 2002-08-06 17:49:53 (GMT)

Рецепт цукатов для Дена :-):

Цукаты из вишни
Для приготовления цукатов Вам потребуются:
вишня - 1 кг;
сахар - 2.2 кг;
вода - 2 стакана;
для сиропа:
вода - 2 стакана;
сахар - 1.5 стакана

Зрелую сочную вишню промыть, разложить в литровые банки. Влить в сахар воду, поставить на огонь и приготовить сироп. Кипящим сиропом залить вишню и выдержать 1-2 дня, после чего отделить вишню с помощью дуршлага. В сироп добавить 300 г сахара, довести до кипения, залить им вишню и вновь отставить. Так повторять еще 5 раз, каждый раз добавляя 300 г сахара. В последний раз вишню оставить в сиропе на 10-15 дней, затем вишню вместе с сиропом вылить в дуршлаг и оставить на несколько часов, чтобы сироп полнее отделился. Вишню разложить на сите и подсушить в духовке при температуре около 40 градусов. Чтобы подсохшие плоды не слипались, пересыпать их мелким сахарным песком. Хранить цукаты в герметично закрываемой посуде.

(еще рецепты:

Note added at 2002-08-06 19:39:15 (GMT)

Ден, подварка - это однородная масса, а в Ваших вариантах фрукты и ягоды - цельные... Ждем продолжения! :-)

Note added at 2002-08-06 20:37:16 (GMT)

Повидло яблочное (подварка):

Таким образом, получаем


What are Fruit Butters?

Fruit Butters are made from fruit pulp and cooked in a vacuum kettle until reaching 47 brix. The advantage of vacuum cooking are many. It allows faster evaportion of liquids, while at the same time the product can be held at a low temperture insuring the highest quality preserves.


Note added at 2002-08-06 20:42:47 (GMT)

Но в этом варианте не учтено то, что подварка может быть из моркови, тыквы и пр. В общем, это, действительно, из терминологии технологов, а на бытовом уровне это повидло.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Libero_Lang_Lab : candied fruit sauce doesn't work for some reason... so does this mean it is hard or it is a liquied? I'm getting conflicting reports! :-)) And I'm developing a sudden craving for something sweet...
1 hr
Dan, it's still цукаты :-), see the recipe above. Подварка is rather hard than liquid, but you can spread, say, bread with it... What about my second variant?
agree xeni (X) : Должна честно признаться, что вообще не знаю, что такое подварка, так же, как и Аскер, поэтому Ваш ответ считаю наиболее ценным :)
3 hrs
Я и сама, признаться, не знала до сегодняшнего дня :-). Помните такие нашлепки на печенье "курабье"? Или густую фруктовую конфетную начинку? Как я понимаю, это оно и есть :-).
agree Milana_R : fruit filling
1 day 12 hrs
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Comment: "See my added note"
2 hrs


And so, dear friends, the quest for truth continues. Is not ours is a lonely and thankless task, as we seek, while others sleep, to save the world from mistranslation and evil, twisted meanings....?

How about this then compote? I know, I know... before you tell me... компот in Russia is something quite different... but in the UK at least fruit compote these days is sold as a less sugary, more natural, alternative to jam. Check out any branch of Safeways or Sainsbury's (not sure about Walmart) if you don't believe me.

I am starting to feel rather sad and obsessive.

Note added at 2002-08-06 17:38:33 (GMT)

Jack - you\'re a bad, bad man - couldn\'t you have just let it rest!?! :-))

Note added at 2002-08-06 17:48:12 (GMT)

To Incognita: da moi candied fruit pokhozh na vashi tsukati.
Nashot etot fruit sauce boiled down with sugar - eto mozhet byt vpolne dostatochno v kachestve poyasneniya, no obyazatel\'no bez \"sauce\" - no vse-taki khochetsya naiti kakoi-to khot blizkii ekuivalent. Borba za pravdu prodolzhaetsya...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Oleg Pashuk (X) : compote?
3 hrs
That's it...look it up in the dictionary. Without wishing to sound too much like Jean-Paul Sartre, if you don't mind me asking, how can you disagree with something before you've established whether or not it exists?
neutral Milana_R : it's neither a lemon nor is it a compote.... But I have a sneaky suspicion it's fruity. As in a "fruitcake" :)
1 day 14 hrs
if it was lemon podvarka (see previous question) it might be!
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Comment: "Sorry again, ole' buddy! Or is it Old Chap!?"
3 hrs

только комментарий (без ответа)

Просто хочется уточнить, что подварка - это полуфабрикат, используемый в качестве наполнителя при производстве конфет или тортов в пищевой промышленности и это скорее технический термин используемый технологами. Поэтому может быть имеет смысл перевести подварку как candy fruit filling?
Peer comment(s):

agree Libero_Lang_Lab : очень полезно, спасибо.
41 mins
agree B R : По-моему, ближе всего.
1 day 11 hrs
agree Milana_R : fruit filling
1 day 12 hrs
Something went wrong...
Comment: "See my added note"
4 hrs

QUESTION: Is it the sort of thing you would put in chocolates?

If so, you could just call it "fruit filling" (without the candied)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Remedios : Не только. Ею еще украшают торты и печенья. Снаружи. См. продолжение моего ответа, пжлст :-)
39 mins
The plot thickens
agree B R : Изначально вопрос был о подварке в конфетах - fruit filling, perfect
1 day 10 hrs
cheer Borya
agree Milana_R : Since Jack is asking: Yes, you could..... Or you could just eat it quietly, without calling it anything. :)
1 day 11 hrs
Hello, I'm dan not jack. But you can call me jack if you want Marina.
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Comment: "Don't you ever work!? You'll go to your grave never knowing"
5 hrs

1)Taffy. 2) Gummy

A very chewy candy fillings

Note added at 2002-08-07 00:18:59 (GMT)

And I did look up \"compote\" - it\'s not it!

Note added at 2002-08-07 20:41:41 (GMT)

Dan: how do you spell \"redneck\" down yonder?
Peer comment(s):

disagree Libero_Lang_Lab : Weren't the the fifth and sixth members of the Marx Brothers?
30 mins
These are american names for candy fillings, "sa"
neutral Milana_R : to Dan: no, those are the dwarfs: Happy, Dopey, Sleepy, Taffy, Gummy, Bashful and Doc.
8 hrs
But -that is what they call those "chewy" candy fillings down here in South Carolina:)
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Comment: "See my note"
16 hrs

фруктовый наполнитель


Note added at 2002-08-07 07:28:17 (GMT)

Или, в некоторых случаях- - овощной наполнитель - я встречала \"морковная подварка\".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Milana_R : так спрашивают же с русского на английский...
1 day 56 mins
neutral Libero_Lang_Lab : yeah, but i'll definitely look out for the carrot filling - sounds yummy - particularly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
2 days 14 hrs
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Comment: "It's also used as a surface coating on goodies."
3228 days


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