Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

doctrine de l’administration fiscale

English translation:

taxation case law

Added to glossary by philgoddard
Jan 15, 2015 18:17
9 yrs ago
12 viewers *
French term

doctrine de l’administration fiscale

French to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs
It's from a contract related to doing business in Algeria. The full sentence: "En revanche, s’agissant des prestations de services (supervision, conseil, etc.), une analyse au cas par cas s’impose en l’absence de dispositions particulières dans le code et de doctrine de l’administration fiscale."

Roughly speaking does 'doctrine' refer to the case law of the tax administrators? I can't find any set phrase relating to that in English.
Change log

Jan 19, 2015 03:03: philgoddard Created KOG entry


Germaine Jan 17, 2015:
Considérant le contexte, j'utiliserais "administrative positions issued by tax authorities" ou "administrative positions of tax authorities" : ...analysis shall be done on a case-by-case basis to address a regulatory vacuum and the lack of administrative positions issued by tax authorities Enfin... quelque chose comme ça, en anglais! ;-)"administrative position...
Germaine Jan 17, 2015:
doctrine ou positions administratives? "Autre sens strict, la doctrine désigne un ensemble de principes établis. Constitué d’une série de principes, mais aussi d’un corps de règles, cet ensemble de conceptions forme, dans une branche du droit, un système cohérent."

Je suis très surprise de lire "doctrine" de l'administration fiscale". Au Canada, on parle de "positions administratives" (administrative positions) et j'ai un client fiscaliste qui procède depuis plus de 35 ans à des "recherches dans la législation, la doctrine, les positions administratives et la jurisprudence" - toutes des choses différentes.

Si j'en crois cette source:

il est très possible que le terme "doctrine" ait été employé à tort et qu'on parle simplement de ces circulaires de l'administration qui établissent la façon d'interpréter/d'appliquer doctrine, réglementation et jurisprudence, donc, les "positions administratives".
Ana Vozone Jan 15, 2015:
Like Yolanda suggested, did you look up "tax law doctrine"?
Yolanda Broad Jan 15, 2015:
Try looking up "tax law doctrine"

Proposed translations

1 hr

taxation case law

Yes, I think it does mean case law. Tax law is made up of the tax code and case law, and I think "doctrine" would sound odd.

In fact, you could simply translate "le code et de doctrine de l’administration fiscale" as "tax law". The distinction between "code" and "doctrine" is not really relevant in this commercial contract.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
17 mins
neutral Germaine : case law = jurisprudence. Administrative positions are usually "adjusted" to conform with Tax Court decisions. So case law doesn't cover it all.
1 day 8 hrs
disagree rkillings : Doctrine is not case law in English or French.
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yours was the one I liked most, thanks!"
1 hr

Revenue practice; line adopted by the tax authorities

I agree 'in theory' with Phil G. cf in ES doctrina del tribunal > yes, vageuly legal precedent, but rather line of reasoning adopted by the Court

Note added at 1 hr (2015-01-15 19:54:34 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
2 days 23 hrs
Thx. Revenue cases are certainly part of - but not the whole - the picture.
Something went wrong...
19 mins

tax administration's legal theory

The definition below comes from the online IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe)

LAW [Council]


legal theory

Note added at 2 hrs (2015-01-15 21:14:04 GMT)

Définition de doctrine

La doctrine est un terme juridique désignant les opinions des juristes sur une question de droit précise. La doctrine est indissociable de l'enseignement du droit, même si elle ne s'y limite bien évidemment pas. La doctrine peut s'exprimer oralement, mais aussi par écrit, notamment à travers des articles de la part de professeurs de droit ou d'universitaires, ainsi que de la part de professionnels du droit (avocats, magistrats). La doctrine est considérée comme l'une des sources du droit avec la loi, le règlement ou encore la jurisprudence.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chakib Roula : Pretty credible idea.
30 mins
Thanks, Chakib! Can you confirm whether or not Algeria has case laws?
neutral philgoddard : Sorry, I don't think this literal translation works.
1 hr
neutral AllegroTrans : the possessive does not work
1 hr
neutral writeaway : still 100% confidence with no solid backing. the hard sell. IATE is better than Linguee but it also just a starting place./I know what IATE is. It's not something to swear by. I live in Brussels and EU translators don't enjoy a great reputation
2 hrs
IATE is the EU's terminology//I provided above a definition of what the French legal tradition called "doctrine."
neutral Germaine : « …opinions des juristes… professeurs de droit… avocats, magistrats… une des sources du droit ». Doesn't fit. As an enforcement body, the Administration has nothing to do with "legal theory".
1 day 8 hrs
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