Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 29 '12 ind>eng tindakan (dalam keperawatan) (nursing) intervention pro closed ok
- May 20 '11 ind>eng Ditjen Bina Upaya Kesehatan Directorate General of Health Care Development pro open no
4 May 7 '11 ind>eng "Menuju Masyarakat Bebas Masalah TB, Sehat, Mandiri, dan Berkeadilan” "Promoting the Tuberculosis-free, Healthy, Self-reliant, Equitable People" pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '10 ind>eng Rawat inap bed rest pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '10 ind>eng pasangan usia subur fertile-age couple pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '09 ind>eng Sehingga yang bersangkutan perlu mendapatkan surat keterangan berobat/istirahat so that the patient needs to get a medical certification pro closed no
- Nov 17 '09 ind>eng berhubung sakit/melahirkan, maka perlu/telah dirawat di rumah sakit X Because of ill/giving birth, the person needs to be/has been hospitalized at X hospital. pro open no
- Nov 17 '09 ind>eng berhubung sakit/melahirkan, maka perlu/telah dirawat di rumah sakit Because of ill or giving birth, the person needs to be or has been hospitalized. easy open no
- Sep 26 '09 ind>eng keputihan the whites pro closed no
- Jun 17 '09 ind>eng wanita usia subur fertile women pro closed no
- Jun 2 '09 ind>eng alat & perasa medical apparatus & sensor easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered