Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 25 '22 esl>eng Llegar en alegorías up to that point, they had been more like allegorical tales pro closed ok
4 Jul 22 '22 esl>eng trazo la frontera de la juventud I make a somewhat arbitrary distinction between my poetic works and those of the younger generation pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '22 esl>eng literatura ganada literature that has been mainstreamed into children's reading lists pro closed ok
- Jun 15 '22 esl>eng tener aliento barely felt the courage to pro closed no
4 Jun 14 '22 esl>eng medio sonámbula half-asleep, stumbled towards the bathroom,.. pro closed no
- Jun 6 '22 esl>eng dejar un lastre which leaves one with a pleasant feeling of fullness pro closed no
- Jun 6 '22 esl>eng instalado had settled in/pervaded the air pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '22 esl>eng y nada there seemed to be no improvement pro closed ok
- Jun 3 '22 esl>eng se presentó voluntario.. offered himself up as a volunteer,.. easy closed no
- Jun 3 '22 esl>eng ¿Cómo logró salir.... How did Theseus manage to carry off his escape from... easy closed no
- Jun 3 '22 esl>eng Consiguió Teseo matar... Did Theseus succeed in killing... easy closed no
- Jun 2 '22 esl>eng vuelto a humedecer stale cigars pro closed ok
- May 31 '22 esl>eng ¿Qué pretendía.... What was he trying to accomplish by doing that? easy closed ok
- May 29 '22 esl>eng enrojecimiento all of the skin flushing/sexual heat pro closed no
4 May 15 '22 esl>eng ondear en su nave... white sail, that he would allow to billow out pro closed no
- May 13 '22 esl>eng los restos de la fiesta. after-party trash pro closed no
- May 12 '22 esl>eng actidud de recelo I thought twice (about)/was hesitant to pro closed no
- May 8 '22 esl>eng con los rostros sonrojados their faces flushed because of the... pro closed no
4 May 8 '22 esl>eng pálida como la nieve... her face a pale white/her face, pale and white pro closed ok
- May 8 '22 esl>eng manoseadas practically worn out/run down pro closed ok
4 May 7 '22 esl>eng vulnerar tamper with/disrupt the functioning of pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '22 esl>eng endurecerse con la fama realized that fame was beginning to turn him into a hard-hearted individual pro closed no
- Apr 4 '22 esl>eng con el paso seguro de un príncipe. with the confident gait of a prince easy closed no
4 Apr 3 '22 esl>eng las lágrimas deslizarse por... (the) tears streaming down easy closed ok
- Apr 3 '22 esl>eng y con el polvo del viaje and with the dust of the journey still covering his skin easy closed no
- Apr 2 '22 esl>eng el rocío cubría su pelo, while the mist was surrounding his head easy closed no
- Mar 9 '22 esl>eng de pie standing wave river/river of standing waves pro closed ok
NP Feb 25 '22 esl>eng destiempo the out-of-time experience easy open no
NP Feb 25 '22 esl>eng enamoramiento I recognize/can see how I am infatuated easy closed no
NP Feb 25 '22 esl>eng entre tanto (which), for the time being/right now, is covered with yellowish clouds easy open no
- Jan 31 '22 esl>eng "paz encubierta" peace in name only pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '22 esl>eng Juana está loca de curiosidad.. Juana feels an excited kind of curiosity. easy closed ok
4 Jan 5 '22 esl>eng que atemorizaban su poblado who were terrorizing the town pro closed no
- Jan 5 '22 esl>eng y esta entusiasmada por el oro.... and she, excited as soon as she heard about the gold easy closed ok
- Jan 2 '22 esl>eng y le tendió una trampa para cogerle... and he laid a trap to catch him easy closed no
- Dec 30 '21 esl>eng consiguió salir de su encierro he managed to come out of his confined space pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '21 esl>eng y no había encontrado en el reino mujer que le quisiera. had yet to run across a woman, in the entire kingdom, who would bestow her love on him easy closed no
- Dec 26 '21 esl>eng compraron un centenar de caballos, They bought something like/somewhere around one hundred horses. easy closed ok
- Dec 20 '21 esl>eng «¡Aquí la guardia!» The guardsmen are here! pro closed no
- Dec 20 '21 esl>eng el ladrón rebuscaba su saco fished around for his bag easy closed no
- Dec 20 '21 esl>eng escuchó nervioso el jaleo.... listened nervously to (all of) the racket easy closed no
- Dec 15 '21 esl>eng se encontró al final de la sala he ended up at/in the deepest part of the hollow easy closed no
- Dec 13 '21 esl>eng no era gravilla lo que había estado pisando it wasn't crushed stones he had been walking on top of easy closed no
4 Dec 13 '21 esl>eng la grieta se vio ante los ojos del leñador, the crack caught the woodsman's eyes/attention pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '21 esl>eng entre la grava del suelo, in the gravel/crushed stones on the ground easy closed ok
- Dec 13 '21 esl>eng sus piernas se enterraban hasta las rodillas... his legs were buried up to his knees pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '21 esl>eng escuchó voces en el interior he heard voices coming from inside (the cave) easy closed ok
- Nov 27 '21 esl>eng Se veían lujosas telas decorándola, it was decorated with plush fabrics easy closed no
4 Nov 26 '21 esl>eng y comenzó a hervir cacerolas enormes and she began to boil large pots of water easy closed ok
- Nov 24 '21 esl>eng no estoy manca because I have two/a couple of strong arms pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered