Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 6 '22 ita>eng decorazioni pre-dosate Pre-weighed cake decoration pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 '22 ita>eng Conserva/prodotto stabile preserved food/shelf-stable food pro closed ok
4 Jan 9 '22 ita>eng bresaola di tonno in rete air-cured tuna pro closed ok
- Jun 15 '20 ita>eng Punti vendita della moderna distribuzione italiana Italian supermarket chains and retail stores pro just_closed no
- Mar 16 '19 ita>eng dolcezza - sapidità softness - sapidity pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '18 ita>eng a tutto corpo natural stone milled wholegrain flour pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '18 ita>eng un "giacimento" da scoprire gifts of the land pro closed no
4 Apr 5 '18 ita>eng "presidi" gastronomici Gastronomic "Praesidia" pro closed ok
- Apr 4 '18 ita>eng una corposa utopia a filling fantasy for the few pro just_closed no
4 Apr 4 '18 ita>eng l'idea di "primo" all'italiana the concept of a "primo", the Italian version of a starter/first course easy closed ok
4 Apr 3 '18 ita>eng l'italiano manzonianamente fiorentineggiante an Italian which drew from Florentine in the style typical of Manzoni pro closed ok
- Dec 23 '17 ita>eng Pizza in pala Pizza in Pala (Traditional pizza bread cooked on a peel) pro just_closed no
2 May 25 '17 ita>eng GOLOSO Rich pro closed ok
4 May 25 '17 ita>eng quella M for Moreno easy closed ok
3 Jan 16 '17 ita>eng trionfo di frutta Fruit surprise pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '16 ita>eng Farina 00 very fine Italian 00 flour pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '15 ita>eng finemente abbinati A delicious combination of... pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '15 ita>eng stimolano il metabolismo a calorie zero speed up your metabolism without adding additional calories pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '15 ita>eng addio attacchi nervosi say/wave goodbye to hunger pangs pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '15 ita>eng “Chi mangia il fico, frutta bella, vuole anche la sorella”. one bite of the fig so sweet, leads to bite into other fruits this good to eat pro closed ok
- May 5 '11 ita>eng neoprofessionisti novice (pastry chefs) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered