Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 26 '06 eng>eng rise and fall of a bird rise and fall of a bird's octave range (birdsong) pro closed no
4 Sep 21 '06 eng>eng swiveled its head aside swiveled its head to one side pro closed no
- Aug 22 '06 eng>eng self inflicted injury to gain sympathy feign pro closed no
- Aug 21 '06 eng>eng Any hypothesis regarding the origin of speech is a rhetorical act that inscribes a waste of time trying to explain it as his mind is made up pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '06 eng>eng would disappear and return and go back again would repeatedly disappear and return pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '06 eng>eng to be the better for might the world have been a better place if Germany had won the war pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered