Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 4 '07 deu>eng mitreden keep up with the normal (flow of) conversation pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '07 deu>eng in tiefer Verbundenheit und mit solidarischen Grüßen In close friendship and companionship! or Your very close friends and companions pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '07 deu>eng jmdm. etwas abnehmen One senses that he is a true idealist or One sees in him the true idealist pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '07 deu>eng wie ein Hecht im Karpfenteich He/she is a go-getter or the new broom sweeps clean pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '07 deu>eng unmittelbar bevorstehen will begin immediately easy closed ok
- Oct 7 '07 deu>eng die Sinne schweifen lassen let your thoughts go where they will or simply turn your mind loose to do whatever pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '07 deu>eng Bratwurst-Prominenz one-horse town dignitaries pro closed no
- Sep 23 '07 deu>eng auf die Reihe gekriegt You've never gotten your ducks in order. pro closed no
3 Sep 13 '07 deu>eng die Zügel beherzt schießen lassen give its head pro closed ok
4 Sep 1 '07 deu>eng auf die Mütze bekommen Now you are gonna get it! pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '07 deu>eng Sachen gibt's, die gibt's gar nicht. Stuff happens pro closed ok
4 Aug 29 '07 deu>eng Hase mit Pfeffer fangen A hare is caught with a snag pro closed ok
- Aug 24 '07 deu>eng Lebenskünstler bon vivant or hedonist or epicure pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '07 deu>eng damit ergibt sich zwingend This necessarily results in pro closed no
- Aug 23 '07 deu>eng in die Wüste schicken I will send you back to the desert pro just_closed no
- Aug 22 '07 deu>eng Kein Herz für Tiere Nuke the animals! pro closed ok
- Aug 22 '07 deu>eng im Schatten stehen Do not stand in my light or Do not block my light. pro closed ok
- Aug 22 '07 deu>eng sich dreimal um etwas bemühen can get all three in one place pro closed no
3 Aug 21 '07 deu>eng kein Stein steht mehr auf dem anderen not a (single) stone was left standing pro closed ok
- Aug 20 '07 deu>eng Schludertasche gossip, old gossip, vicious gossip pro closed no
- Aug 14 '07 deu>eng Erst sehen was sich machen lässt – dann machen was sich sehen lässt First see what can be done, then do whatever your research has revealed. pro closed no
4 Jul 21 '07 deu>eng In der Nacht sind alle Katzen grau At times one can't tell one from another or they all look alike. pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '04 deu>eng fromme scheinheilige Betulichkeit pious, hypocritical self-righteousness pro closed no
- Oct 28 '04 deu>eng zwischen Tür und Angel, at your convenience or totally at your convenience pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '04 deu>eng unter vier Augen just between the two of us easy closed ok
- Oct 4 '04 deu>eng m.A.n. meiner Ansicht nach pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '04 deu>eng gemeinsame Wege gehen walked a productive common path and are now setting out anew pro closed no
- Aug 6 '04 deu>eng Nur dem weht ein günstiger Wind, der weiss, wohin er segeln möchte We have bargains for those who know where they are heading (or going) pro closed no
- Jul 30 '04 deu>eng fernab von althergebrachten Wegen/Redensart a far cry from conventional paths (or: ways) pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '04 deu>eng Voll wie ein Dudelsack loaded to the gills pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '04 deu>eng "Frisch in den Tag" start the day off right or Let's start the day off right pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '04 deu>eng Jagdfieber to be chomping at the bit pro closed no
- Jan 15 '03 deu>eng eierlegende Wollmilchsau multi-mode performer; multi-talented person or machine pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '02 deu>eng Jetzt erst recht! Now, more than ever! or: That did it! Now, more than ever! easy closed ok
- Dec 6 '02 deu>eng frisch gebacken green or greenhorn easy closed no
- Sep 17 '02 deu>eng Das sind ja Zustände wie in Chicago! You are acting like a bunch of Chicago gangsters! pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '02 deu>eng Help with sentence Our stressed photographer is even happier (more pleased) pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '02 deu>eng Du verdammt Schmutzige, deutsche Schwein! Wasser ist verboten. You damned German, dirty pig. Water is forbidden easy closed no
- Jul 12 '02 deu>eng das Blaue vom Himmel herunter versprechen We won't promise the sky, but we will promise pro closed ok
4 Jul 6 '02 deu>eng Teufelskerl/Tausendass devil of a fellow/ easy closed no
- May 27 '02 deu>eng Impulse gehen aus precursors, forerunners, overtures pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '02 deu>eng Freiheit und Mobilität werden groß geschrieben In Germany, too, freedom and mobility are important factors pro closed no
- Feb 20 '02 deu>eng ueber den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen. go (or look) beyond the mundane or to extend their horizons pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '02 deu>eng an den Kragen And now comes the attack on the plague pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered