Archived polls

5877 polls, displaying 5201 through 5250
Do you mind relatives/friends dropping in unannounced on work days?
By ST Translations - featured on Oct 3, 2007
Depends on how busy I am 52.7%
I do but I am polite 13.9%
I don't, if they make it short 9.9%
I do and I let them know it 8.3%
I love it 5.5%
I don't open the door 4.6%
Other 3.6%
N/A 1.6%
1347 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have a plan for your career development?
By Karen Stokes - featured on Oct 1, 2007
Yes, in my head 39.7%
Yes, but only a vague one 26.2%
No, but it's a good idea 13.7%
Why would I? 12.0%
Other - N/A 5.0%
Yes, in writing 3.4%
1346 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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"Without translation, there is no history of the world." - L. G. Kelly
By anonymous - featured on Oct 1, 2007
Agree 64.9%
Not sure 19.8%
Disagree 12.3%
Other 2.9%
1503 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The translation / interpretation I'm working on today is
By anonymous - featured on Sep 27, 2007
Technical 21.1%
I'm not working today! 19.7%
Business 13.8%
Legal 10.1%
Other - N/A 8.5%
General 7.2%
IT 6.9%
Scientific 6.9%
Literary 3.7%
Art 2.0%
1469 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you started working today, you were
By Nina Khmielnitzky - featured on Sep 27, 2007
Tired 22.0%
Relaxed 17.2%
A mix of the above 16.2%
Enthusiastic 15.7%
Stressed 8.8%
Other - N/A 6.4%
Worried 5.6%
Bored 5.5%
Ready to stop working 2.7%
1311 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which do you think is the best for saving / backing up your work?
By Christopher Burin - featured on Sep 26, 2007
Other 21.8%
Memory stick 20.0%
uploading to email account/hosting service 16.2%
CD/CD Rom 15.5%
DVD 12.2%
Pen drive 8.9%
Zip disk 2.8%
N/A 2.2%
3.5 diskette 0.5%
1248 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you compile notes during translation to add to a translation-reference list?
By Harry Hermawan - featured on Sep 25, 2007
Sometimes 42.8%
No 37.1%
Yes 17.5%
Other 1.5%
N/A 1.1%
1328 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Did your parents encourage you to read when you were young?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 24, 2007
Yes 78.4%
No 13.5%
No, but someone else did 4.2%
Other 3.1%
N/A 0.7%
1353 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I would rate my average working day as:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 22, 2007
Somewhat stressful 44.5%
Not very stressful 22.5%
Stressful 17.2%
Not stressful at all 7.3%
Highly stressful 5.2%
Other 2.5%
N/A 0.8%
1137 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you renegotiate a deadline initially given by the client ?
By Anne-Virginie Lerat - featured on Sep 21, 2007
Only in emergencies 45.3%
Sometimes 27.3%
Never 17.9%
Only in order to avoid taking the job 3.4%
Most of the time 2.8%
Other 1.6%
N/A 1.0%
Always 0.7%
1407 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you correct people's grammar / language when they are speaking?
By John Cutler - featured on Sep 20, 2007
Sometimes 40.2%
Yes, but only mentally 30.4%
No 13.7%
Yes 10.8%
Wouldn't dream of it 3.5%
Other - N/A 1.4%
1369 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When I was at school people thought I was...
By anonymous - featured on Sep 19, 2007
Other 24.6%
A know-it-all 19.2%
A loner 17.0%
The most likely to succeed 14.7%
The teacher's pet 6.2%
A trouble-maker 5.3%
A class clown 5.1%
N/A 3.4%
Stuck-up 2.7%
The best-dressed 1.7%
1315 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If I found the text I'm translating already translated on the internet I'd
By Colin Ryan (X) - featured on Sep 18, 2007
Use translation for difficult terms only 38.2%
Disregard the translation & do my own version 16.9%
Tell the client & charge for my time 13.0%
Other 12.2%
"Borrow" the translation & charge my client 11.9%
Tell the client and not charge anything 6.4%
N/A 1.4%
1242 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many hours a week do you invest in acquiring new jobs / clients?
By Dr. Tilmann Kleinau - featured on Sep 17, 2007
0-1 hour 33.4%
I don't need to 19.1%
1-2 hours 15.3%
2-4 hours 11.6%
> 6 hours 6.6%
Other 6.2%
4-6 hours 5.5%
N/A 2.4%
1411 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When I discuss rates / money matters with clients, I'm
By anonymous - featured on Sep 15, 2007
Matter-of-fact 44.8%
Forthright 22.7%
Timid 17.5%
Bold and daring 6.1%
Other 5.0%
Squeamish 3.0%
N/A 1.0%
1077 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever felt you had translator burnout?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 14, 2007
Yes, but not very often 51.8%
Never 20.8%
Yes, right now 12.5%
Yes, all the time 9.0%
Other 3.5%
N/A 2.5%
1238 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If the pay was not a factor, which would you choose?
By Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons) - featured on Sep 13, 2007
An alternation of both 36.5%
A prestigious but time-consuming job 35.0%
Other (explain) 13.6%
An easy but unrewarding job 9.4%
N/A 5.5%
1200 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What's the maximum number of projects you have rejected on one day?
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Sep 12, 2007
2 27.9%
1 24.5%
3 21.7%
> 4 12.2%
I don't reject any jobs 9.4%
N/A 2.9%
Other, please share 1.4%
1260 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When I have a big job and a distant deadline I:
By Witold Chocholski - featured on Sep 11, 2007
organize my time & work slowly 34.8%
finish early & deliver quickly 21.4%
finish early but proofread forever 20.5%
put it off till the last moment 17.1%
other 4.8%
never take such jobs 0.8%
N/A 0.8%
1325 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you enjoy the company of a pet while you work?
By Rodrigo Mencía - featured on Sep 10, 2007
No and I wouldn't 33.8%
Yes, a cat 22.1%
No but I'd love to 19.7%
Yes, a dog 14.3%
Other 4.4%
N/A 1.5%
Yes, a bird 1.5%
Yes, a fish 1.0%
Yes, a reptile 0.9%
Yes, a hamster 0.7%
1464 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your daily work consists of research?
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Sep 8, 2007
10 - 30% 47.7%
< 10% 23.9%
31 - 50% 17.7%
51 - 75% 3.9%
Other (please share) - N/A 3.8%
> 75% 3.0%
1056 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your income comes from language-related services?
By Hilde Granlund - featured on Sep 7, 2007
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Criteria for selecting someone to work with / for:
By Daniel Gebauer - featured on Sep 6, 2007
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A reward I promise myself for finishing a long /difficult job:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 5, 2007
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I would describe my workspace as:
By anonymous - featured on Sep 4, 2007
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The strangest thing I've found when cleaning my keyboard:
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Sep 3, 2007
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When I'm sick I...
By anonymous - featured on Sep 2, 2007
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In general what makes you nervous?
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Aug 31, 2007
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Have you ever cried over a translation job?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 30, 2007
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I click on the Featured Translator if...
By Colin Ryan (X) - featured on Aug 29, 2007
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Members of my family help in my work mostly by:
By anonymous - featured on Aug 28, 2007
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When I can't concentrate on a translation I:
By Rebecca Hendry - featured on Aug 27, 2007
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What keeps me going on a long, difficult project is...
By anonymous - featured on Aug 26, 2007
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In general, how often do you take a break?
By Alexa Dubreuil - featured on Aug 24, 2007
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Can you imagine your professional life without
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Aug 23, 2007
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How many days do you work on average each week?
By Frances Bryce - featured on Aug 22, 2007
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Have you grown professionally in the past few years?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 21, 2007
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When I'm extremely stressed by work I:
By Ramona Ali - featured on Aug 20, 2007
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Would you describe your profession as "posh"?
By Rad Graban (X) - featured on Aug 19, 2007
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As a freelancer, what's the longest you've been out of work?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 17, 2007
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What's the minimum Blue Board rating you accept without considering an outsourcer risky?
By Csaba Ban - featured on Aug 16, 2007
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What gives you the greatest "high" as a translator?
By John Cutler - featured on Aug 15, 2007
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Which of the following computer know-how is essential for a freelancer?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 14, 2007
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If you could, who would you like to have lunch with?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 13, 2007
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Do you update the availability calendar in your profile?
By humbird - featured on Aug 11, 2007
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Which internet browser do you use most often?
By Hester Eymers - featured on Aug 10, 2007
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Have you heard about the idea of celebrating Translator's Day with worldwide powwows?
By Fabio Descalzi - featured on Aug 9, 2007
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Have you ever complained to a client about the quality of a source text?
By Mark Nathan - featured on Aug 8, 2007
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When working at home, how do you handle your non-work-related calls?
By Elena Carbonell - featured on Aug 7, 2007
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The last time I did no work-related activity was:
By anonymous - featured on Aug 6, 2007
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5877 polls, displaying 5201 through 5250