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Comparing OCLanguage and Memsource

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name OCLanguage Memsource
Review breakdown
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(13 reviews)
Most helpful review
Freely available and easy to use, not lacking much
I have been using MemSource for almost a year, from the position of a linguist assigned jobs by an LSP. I also use another CAT tool so I feel competent to make some comparisons. From my perspective of a linguist - translator, what I appreciate most about MemSource is the availability and simplicity of use. First of all, MemSource Editor is free of charge, so the fact that the LSP I work for has decided to implement MemSource and has asked me to translate in this environment does not cost me a single penny. Secondly, the Editor is a very simple and intuitive tool which is easy to install and use but still has many powerful features. To give some examples, there is a track changes function, a thorough QA check, full spellchecking and grammar checking and all the main features you would normally expect to be available in a CAT tool. Among the drawbacks, I miss a live preview feature most of all and sometimes I would like to connect my own TMs and glossaries to the projects I am working on, which is currently not possible.
12 out of 13 found this review helpful.

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Product description OCLanguage is cutting edge translation management system (TMS). Today it is one of the most popular software solution for translation agencies, developed for handling TMS tasks. System includes only unique functionality for particular business. OCLanguage represents solid CRM, project and vendors’ management, sales analysis, review and monitoring tool. Memsource's mission is to make translation more efficient for everyone involved.

Thanks to AI-evaluated machine translation, translation memories, terminology management tools, real-time preview, 50+ files formats, and 400+ languages supported, as well as an intuitive interface, Memsource allows translators to apply their effort to the content that requires their attention the most.

By zeroing in on what is truly important, translators can accomplish more in less time while increasing the quality of their translations.

All this is accessible on-the-go from macOS, Windows, Linux, and mobile devices.

Let the functionality speak for itself in a 30-day free trial.
Price 899 € / company For freelancers, Memsource offers a full solution at €20 a month. Free version is also available.
File formats
No data
50+ file formats. Click for the list.
License type Perpetual Software as a service (subscription)
Operating system Windows, MacOS, Linux Windows 8, Windows 2000, Mac OS X 10.8 and higher, Windows 7 and higher , Windows 10 (beta), Microsoft Windows 7, Windows XP, Mac OS 7, 8, 9, OSX 10.3.4 and higher , Windows 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows 95, 98, ME, NT & 2000, Windows 10, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6 and higher, Mac OS X 10.4 and higher, Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and higher, Linux
System requirements OCLanguage can be installed on either of following three platforms: • Hosting • Virtual server • Physical server Any platform that supports internet browsing, including desktops, laptops, PDAs, tablets, and mobile devices. Browsers: Any javascript enabled browser.
Compatibility IE; Opera; Mozilla Firefox; Safari; Chrome Supports open standard file formats XLIFF, TMX, TBX, interoperability with other CAT tools.
Support and upgrades offered/included Installation support, Check with manufacturer Free upgrades to all future versions, Free technical support via support ticket center, Free community support, Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription
Support and tutorial links http://www.oclanguage.com/support Click
Free trial 14 day free trial Click
Languages supported English; Russian; Ukrainian; Latvian Memsource supports any language that is supported by your web browser.

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