Dec 14, 2014 14:45
9 yrs ago
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Greek term

σύμβαση αισχροκερδής

Greek to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
"Να αναγνωριστεί ότι οι επίδικες συμβάσεις είναι αντίθετες στα χρηστά ήθη κατ' άρθρο 178 Α.Κ., ειδικότερα αισχροκερδείς κατ' άρθρο 179 Α.Κ. και συνεπώς άκυρες".


Peter Close Dec 16, 2014:
To Nick: Thank you, too, for your input. Although I actually lost sleep last night thinking about this dialogue, I am sure that your persistence in continuing with the discussion provided my brain with some very beneficial exercise which will probably contribute positively to postponing the onset of Alzheimer’s!
Nick Lingris Dec 16, 2014:
Thank you. I feel I have learned a lot from this discussion.
Peter Close Dec 16, 2014:
To Nick: The texts written in English about the respective Articles of the Greek Civil Code may not mention or use the word “profiteering” as such, but they refer to recognised categories of profiteering such as non-competition, restricting or curbing competition, restraint of trade, price fixing, demanding manifestly disproportionate suretyships, etc. Also, your comment that the writers of these texts were ‘reluctant’ to use the word ‘profiteering’ implies that you do not know what ‘reluctant’ means . By saying that the writers were ‘reluctant’ to use the word ‘profiteering’, you are saying that they preferred not to use the word. How can you possibly know this? Did they tell you that, themselves? They did not need to mention the word ‘profiteering’ because they referred to recognised categories of ‘profiteering’. For some of the other categories of profiteering, see: which is a reference that I have aready provided.
Nick Lingris Dec 16, 2014:
Peter, I've never asked for "references linking ‘profiteering’ with the ‘Civil Code’ in countries other than Greece". I have very specifically been referring to the reluctance of writers to use 'profiteering' in English texts about these articles of the Greek Civil Code. It seems the articles have been based on similar articles of the German Civil Code, though. You may have better luck there.

@Andras: At the very beginning of my answer it says "αφορά γενικά το κείμενο του άρθρου και ενδεχομένως ειδικά την ακυρότητα των δικαιοπραξιών". I do not know the rest of Caroline's text. I have not restricted myself to the general answer that corresponds to "ανήθικος". I have looked for the solutions proposed by other writers, such as "exploitative". In the lexilogia link you mentioned, Themis, a translator for the EU, wrote:
"Το exploitative contract του Δόκτορα φαίνεται εύλογη εκδοχή, αν και θα χρειαζόταν περισσότερη έρευνα της χρήσης του. Βρήκα επίσης κάποια ενδιαφέροντα ευρήματα για profiteering contract, που όμως φαίνεται να ταιριάζουν μόνο σε περιπτώσεις αγοραπωλησίας, κρατικών προμηθειών κτλ."
Andras Mohay (X) Dec 16, 2014:
Ο Nickel παραθέτει: "Από τις διατάξεις αυτές των άρθρων 178 και 179 ΑΚ και ειδικότερα τη δεύτερη προκύπτει ότι για να χαρακτηρισθεί δικαιοπραξία ως αισχροκερδής καταπλεονεκτική και συνεπώς άκυρη λόγω αντίθεσής της στα χρηστά ήθη απαιτείται να συντρέχουν αθροιστικώς τρία στοιχεία και δη: α) προφανής δυσαναλογία μεταξύ παροχής και αντιπαροχής, β) ανάγκη ή κουφότητα ή απειρία του ενός των συμβαλλομένων και γ) η εκμετάλλευση της γνωστής σε αυτόν ανάγκης ή κουφότητας ή απειρίας του συμβαλλομένου τούτου από τον αντισυμβαλλόμενο."

Και συνεχίζει:

"Αν λείπει ένα από τα στοιχεία αυτά δεν μπορεί να γίνει λόγος περί ακυρότητας της δικαιοπραξίας ως αισχροκερδούς, δεν αποκλείεται όμως και στην περίπτωση αυτή ακυρότητα της δικαιοπραξίας αυτής λόγω αντίθεσής της προς τα χρηστά ήθη, κατά την γενική διάταξη του άρθρου 178 ΑΚ, αν συντρέχουν στοιχεία προσδίδοντα σε αυτήν ανήθικο χαρακτήρα."καταπλεονεκτι...

Άρα άλλο "αισχροκερδής" και άλλο "immoral" & "contra bonos mores", καθ' ομολογίαν --έμμεση, πλην σαφή-- του ίδιου.
Peter Close Dec 16, 2014:
Nick: You asked for references linking ‘profiteering’ with the ‘Civil Code’ in countries other than Greece. You will find a few here: and ones that mention profiteering with reference to the UK Civil Code and other countries’ Civil Codes, here: and price fixing and the Civil Code, here: and of price-fixing as a category of profiteering, here: and to the relationship of competition laws to countries’ Civil Codes, here: and to the relationship of profiteering with competition law, here:
Need I continue? I can go on until the cows come home.
Peter Close Dec 16, 2014:
[continuation] are a sub-category of ‘ανήθικες συμβάσεις’ in case ‘b’ of Article 179 of the Civil Code. I have also provided abundant internet references to show that the terms ‘profiteering contracts’ and ‘profiteering agreements’ exist in English and that they are a recognised category of ‘unethical contracts’. Another fact that encourages me in my conviction that the term ‘profiteering contracts’ is correct is the fact that Andras Mohay has agreed with it. My limited experience on Proz has taught me to do very careful research before arguing with Andras Mohay, because he always researches his answers extremely thoroughly. It therefore really all boils down to how you translate the word ‘αισχροκερδής’. How would you translate it, yourself? It is comprised of two separate words: ‘αισχρός’, meaning ‘foul’ or ‘indecent’, and ‘κέρδος’, meaning profit. So, logically, the word should mean, ‘making indecent profit’, which is a recognised description of the word ‘profiteering’. I would certainly translate ‘αισχροκερδές συμβάσεις’ as ‘profiteering agreements’ myself, with a thoroughly clear conscience, and I have recommended to Caroline that she does the same.
Peter Close Dec 16, 2014:
To Nick: Good morning, (1) The chapter of the book, ‘European Employment Laws: A Comparative Guide’ which you gave a reference to, covers aspects of employment law, so I don’t see why you included it. (2) ‘Manifestly disproportionate suretyships’ are a recognised category of profiteering; see: . (3) The reference to the book, ‘The Law and Regulation of Franchising in the EU’ that you gave, includes details of another category of profiteering in its mention of Article 101 of the TFEU [I accept that this passage does not actually mention the word ‘profiteering’, but the activity it describes is a recognised sub-category of profiteering]; see: and (4) In response to your reference: , I gave four references of equally qualified Greek lawyers who expressed the opinion that ‘αισχροκερδές συμβάσεις’ [continued above]
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Και τα νομίσματα έχουν δύο διαφορετικά ονόματα για τις δύο πλευρές τους: κορόνα και γράμματα. :) Ας μου εξηγήσει κάποιος, παρακαλώ, γιατί νομίζετε ότι σε όλα τα αγγλικά κείμενα που αναφέρονται στα άρθρα του ΑΚ κανένας δεν μιλά για profiteering. Έχω δώσει πηγές που λένε ότι συνώνυμα του επιθέτου εδώ είναι "καταπλεονεκτικές" ή "καταδυναστικές". Φέρτε μία περίπτωση όπου συγγραφείς στην αγγλική γλώσσα χρησιμοποιούν το profiteering στη συζήτηση για τα άρθρα του ΑΚ και τότε μόνο ζητήστε από την ερωτώσα να χρησιμοποιήσει κι αυτή τον όρο του Ποινικού Κώδικα.
Andras Mohay (X) Dec 15, 2014:
ΠΚ 405 & ΑΚ 179: Δύο όψεις του ίδιου νομίσματος "αισχροκέρδεια" βασικά είναι όρος του ΠΚ.

Στην ουσία η πράξη συνιστά Αισχροκέρδεια (πλεονεξία για αθέμιτη κερδοσκοπία) η οποία αποτελεί αδίκημα κατά τον Ποινικό Κώδικα που, σύμφωνα με τον Αστικό Κώδικα, μπορεί να επιφέρει και ακύρωση της οποιασδήποτε δικαιοπραξίας επί της οποίας βασίστηκε. Παράλληλα, από πλευράς Ενοχικού Δικαίου (ως κλάδου του Αστικού Δικαίου) αντιβαίνει τις αξίες, τις αρχές, τις διατάξεις και τη δεοντολογία της Προστασίας του Καταναλωτή ένεκα καταδολίευσης και αθέμιτων πρακτικών.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Please do not judge my references until you take the time to read them carefully. I also suggest that we discontinue this discussion until you read my references carefully. Please.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
Incorrect. I have said that the Stamelos-Hatzimanoli and Oxford Dictionaries give the meaning of ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ to be ‘profiteering’ and until you provide me with definite evidence that the Greek word ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ means something else in English, I will continue to consider ‘αισχροκερδής’ [the adjective of the word ‘αισχροκέρδεια’] to mean profiteering . With respect, your references did not mention ‘profiteering’ because you had Googled ‘contra bonos mores contracts’ and ‘immoral contracts’ in order to obtain those references and, in this life, you get what you Google for.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Peter, you keep distorting my words. From the start I gave the relevant articles of the law, translations in English and discussions in English about the specific articles. No one uses ‘profiteering’ in such English discussions. You are the only one saying that that is the correct translation. Feel free to use it in your own translations.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
Oh! That’s a good! I didn’t realise that you had a Greek law degree and were qualified to determine who was talking sense or not! [Perhaps, I’ll seek your advice if I ever have a legal problem]. While you are at it, you might as well add these to your list of people who are apparently talking nonsense:


Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
I’m not saying ‘profiteering contracts’ do not exist in reality or in the language. I’m saying that writers who know what they are talking about do not use the term in reference to the specific articles of the Greek Civil Code.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
I am sorry, I don’t agree with your last answer. The reference article I provided states that ‘αισχροκερδής contracts’ are a sub-category of ‘immoral contracts’ and until you provide me with definite evidence that the word ‘αισχροκερδής’ in that context has a different meaning in English, we are going to get nowhere. Also, in response to your comment that nobody has written about ‘profiteering contracts’ or ‘profiteering agreements’, please see:

Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Because αισχροκέρδεια (the noun), profiteering, is a specific concept in criminal law ( and αισχροκερδής (the adjective) is a specific description of juridical acts and contracts covered by the aforementioned articles of the Civil Code, and legal writers do not want people to become confused by having such unethical and inequitable acts described as 'profiteering'.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
No, I thought that you were referring to Greek language texts only, and when I remembered that you had provided references to English texts, too, I was about to delete the comment, but you beat me to it. I have already answered you concerning the English texts, and have provided evidence that 'profiteering contracts' are a sub-category of 'contra bonos mores' contracts. As the term 'profiteering contract' exists in Engllish, why not use it when it is appropriate to do so?
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Legal writers writing in English about the Greek Civil Code. Please!
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
Of course, they have not used the word 'profiteering' because 'profiteering' is an English word. They have used the Greek word 'αισχροκερδής', which the Greek language equivalent of 'profiteering'.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
I cannot continue this discussion. I have provided ample evidence on how legal writers write about the specific articles of the Civil Code. No one has thought of using the term "profiteering".
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
Sorry, but if ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ means ‘profiteering’ and if the word ‘αισχροκερδής’ is mentioned in ‘case b’ of Article 179 of the Civil Code, I don’t see how it can be irrelevant in this case. In the same way as Christmas pudding is Christmas pudding whether you eat it on the floor or at a table, the English interpretation of ‘αισχροκερδής’ should be the same in every context. Of course, if you can provide me with evidence that the word ‘αισχροκερδής’ is like a chameleon in that it changes it meaning to suit its surroundings, although the Σταμέλος-Χατημανώλη Dictionary of Legal Terms does not indicate that this is the case, I might begin to agree with you. Many kinds of ‘inappropriate behaviour’ are covered in different Articles of different laws or law codes simultaneously, and so your comment about ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ belonging to Articles 404 and 405 is not really relevant.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Αισχροκέρδεια (Profiteering) belongs to the Criminal Code (Articles 404 & 405). Totally irrelevant here. See a suggestion from another source ("exploitative contract") in my notes.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
How do you justify translating ‘αισχροκερδής’ as ‘manifestly proportionate’ when the Μπαμπινιώτης dictionary describes the word as being the adjective of the noun ‘αισχροκέρδεια’, which it describes as meaning ‘η επίτευξη υπερβολικού κέρδους με διάφορους τρόπους, όπως η νοθεία εμπορεύματος, η απάτη και η πώληση σε υψηλότερες τιμές από τις επιτρεπτές’, and when the Σταμέλος-Χατζημανώλη Λεξικό Νομικών Ορών gives the meaning of ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ to be ‘profiteering’ (only), and when the Oxford Greek to English Dictionary gives the meaning of ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ to be ‘profiteering’ or ‘overcharging’.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Where is "profiteering" in all this? The terms καταπλεονεκτικός and αισχροκερδής are in the interpretation (as mentioned at the beginning of my answer) and the specific meaning of αισχροκερδής in the article you mention would be similar to "manifestly disproportionate" (see "προφανής δυσαναλογία").
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
If profiteering does not exist in Article 179 of the Civil Code, how do you explain this: “Σύμφωνα με την ΑΚ 179 περ. β έχουμε μια ειδική κατηγορία ανήθικης δικαιοπραξίας που είναι η αισχροκερδής ή καταπλεονεκτική δικαιοπραξία. Καταπλεονεκτική είναι η δικαιοπραξία με την οποία κάποιος εκμεταλλεύεται την ανάγκη, την κουφότητα (άγνοια) ή την απειρία του άλλου και επιτυγχάνει έτσι να συνομολογήσει ή να πάρει για τον εαυτό του ή για τρίτον, για κάποια παροχή, περιουσιακά ωφελήματα που κατά τις περιστάσεις βρίσκονται σε φανερή δυσαναλογία προς την παροχή. Οι αισχροκερδής δικαιοπραξίες είναι μόνο συμβάσεις με περιουσιακό χαρακτήρα και μάλιστα αμφοτεροβαρείς πχ πώληση (ΑΚ 513), μίσθωση (ΑΚ 574) κλπ ή ατελώς ετεροβαρείς πχ έντοκο δάνειο (ΑΚ 806) κλπ “…See the full text at:ΑΚ_178_and_179_Ανήθικη_και_α...
That would appear to say that profiteering contracts are a recognised sub-category of contra bonos mores contracts under Article 179.
Nick Lingris Dec 15, 2014:
Good morning. Anyone who feels uncomfortable with the meaning of "immoral" here (which does not mean sexually immoral and has been used for a long time in civil and contract law) may try other terms. For instance:
manifestly disproportionate
obviously disproportionate (11.1)
clearly disproportionate (Note 345)
Or the Latin term.
Profiteering is never used in connection with Articles 178 and 179 of the Greek Civil Code.
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
Further to my discussion entry of earlier this morning, I feel that the Greek equivalent of ‘contra bono mores contracts’ is ‘ανήθικες συμβάσεις’. Google “ανήθικες συμβάσεις” [with the inverted commas] to see what I mean. Although a profiteering contract could be described as being an unethical contract, the word ‘αισχροκερδές’ is very specific and deserves an equally specific translation. Since the term “profiteering contract” exists in English, why not use it when its use is appropriate?
Peter Close Dec 15, 2014:
To Nick Lingris: Good morning, I am writing this here because there was not enough room in the ‘agree/neutral/disagree’ comment box. I have disagreed with your answer because, as my internet references confirm, the terms you suggest really apply more to sexually biased immorality and do not appear to include or to mention profiteering, which is what ‘αισχροκέρδεια’ is. Compare the internet references that I have given below with this: (busi... and I realise that you have given a book reference which describes ‘contra bonos mores’ activities as including ‘profiteering’ activities, but respectfully point out that even authors make mistakes sometimes. [The only reason why I classified my confidence of my answer at '3' (yesterday evening), was because I was not sure then whether the precise wording of my answer was correct. Otherwise I am certain that σύμβαση αισχροκερδής applies to profiteering). [Also, please see; and compare that defintion with the internet references that I have given for profiteering in this discussion entry].

Proposed translations

33 mins

profiteering contract


Entering into a gaming-related or profiteering contract with a "government official" (i.e., a Board or Commission member or employee, a public official of the state ...

My only gripe would be that of the excessive rates charged for car parking, which are charged, I believe, by a greedy and profiteering contract company (rather ...

Dec 24, 2010 - Hint - the unilateral profiteering contract agreement signed between that mamak's govt with the operator, whos's the frontman of umno's income ...

... E. B. Chinn, W. C. Butler and other Puget Sound lum bermen, as having been concerned in an alleged profiteering contract for the logging of the Blodgett tract.

Note added at 39 mins (2014-12-14 15:25:14 GMT)

See also:

Note added at 51 mins (2014-12-14 15:36:50 GMT)

Both the Stamelos-Hatzimanoli Dictionary of Legal Terms and the Oxford Greek to English dictionary define the meaning of the verb ‘αισχροκερδώ’ as being ‘to profiteer’ . Although the Stamelos-Hatzimanoli Dictionary does not state any alternative meanings, the Oxford Dictionary also gives the alternative meanings of ‘overcharge’, ‘overprice’ and ‘make illicit profits’.

Note added at 1 hr (2014-12-14 15:48:25 GMT)

This is also less frequently known as a ‘profiteer contract’. See:

May 19, 2004 - The US military announced on Tuesday morning that two American profiteer contract employees were killed and a third wounded when the ...

Aug 8, 2009 - If you're not a money-grubbing profiteer, don't take a money-grubbing profiteer's contract. This. posted by Jairus at 2:27 PM on August 8, 2009.

Jan 14, 2008 - The crime family gives another war profiteer contract to a corporation charged with torture and other crimes. Dwight posted this story.

Note added at 1 hr (2014-12-14 16:04:57 GMT)

You may also want to consider ‘profiteering agreement’ and ‘profiteer agreement’. See:

Peer comment(s):

agree Andras Mohay (X)
1 day 7 hrs
Thank you, Andras. An 'agree' from you is always a compliment.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 hrs
Greek term (edited): αισχροκερδής σύμβαση

immoral contract, contract contra bonos mores

Ο όρος "αισχροκερδής" δεν υπάρχει στο άρθρο 179 του Αστικού Κώδικα, αλλά αφορά γενικά το κείμενο του άρθρου και ενδεχομένως ειδικά την ακυρότητα των δικαιοπραξιών που θεωρούνται «αντίθετες προς τα χρηστά ήθη» (contra bonos mores) επειδή «βρίσκονται σε φανερή δυσαναλογία προς την παροχή» (out of proportion to the consideration furnished). Αυτές οι ανήθικες δικαιοπραξίες ονομάζονται συνήθως «αισχροκερδείς», «καταπλεονεκτικές» ή «καταδυναστικές». (Εγκ. Πάπυρος, αισχροκερδής δικαιοπραξία)

Άρθρο 178. Δικαιοπραξία αντίθετη προς τα χρηστά ήθη: Δικαιοπραξία που αντιβαίνει στα χρηστά ήθη είναι άκυρη.

Άρθρο 179. Άκυρη ως αντίθετη προς τα χρηστά ήθη είναι ιδίως η δικαιοπραξία με την οποία δεσμεύεται υπερβολικά η ελευθερία του προσώπου ή η δικαιοπραξία με την οποία εκμεταλλεύεται κάποιος την ανάγκη, την κουφότητα ή την απειρία του άλλου και πετυχαίνει έτσι να συνομολογήσει ή να πάρει για τον εαυτό του ή τρίτο, για κάποια παροχή, περιουσιακά ωφελήματα, που, κατά τις περιστάσεις, βρίσκονται σε φανερή δυσαναλογία προς την παροχή.

This latter rule declares legal transactions to ‘be null as contrary to morality whereby the freedom of a person is hampered excessively or whereby through an exploitation of the need, the levity of character or the lack of experience of the other party are stipulated or received for one’s own benefit or for the benefit of a third party and in consideration of something furnished pecuniary advantages which in the circumstances are obviously out of proportion to the consideration furnished’.

Note added at 22 hrs (2014-12-15 12:45:48 GMT)

Here is a link to the relevant article in Papyros (the encyclopedia):

Note added at 22 hrs (2014-12-15 13:21:43 GMT)

The term proposed in Basic Concepts of Greek Civil Law (page 144) is “exploitative contracts”.

D. Exploitative juridical acts. The law refers specifically to the exploitative contracts (Art. 179 CC). Exploitative is the juridical act where one, by exploiting the need, levity, or inexperience of the other, succeeds in obtaining for a certain performance pecuniary advantages that are extremely disproportional to his supply.
Examples: - A, being in great financial hardship on account of his need for an urgent surgical procedure abroad, sold his immovable property to E, worth 90,000 euros, for a mere 30,000 euros.
- A, pressured by great financial need, borrowed money from B at great cost, i.e. he concluded a loan contract at an exorbitant interest rate.

Note added at 22 hrs (2014-12-15 13:31:20 GMT)

And here's another one who likes "exploitative":

Note added at 22 hrs (2014-12-15 13:35:11 GMT)

Once more, a more general and less controversial rendering:
articles 178 and 179, ‘contracts contrary to moral ethics’ ... (first column, no 3)
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