Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 12 '15 ita>eng incluso invia delle lettere including sending letters pro open no
- Jan 10 '11 ita>eng orientamenti dottrinari doctrinaire guidelines pro closed ok
- Dec 22 '10 ita>eng Dichiarazione per le circostanze declaration regarding risk circumstances pro open no
- Nov 17 '10 ita>eng in contradditorio verify inconsistency pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '10 ita>eng valutazione di fornitori supplier assessment/assessment of suppliers pro closed no
- May 16 '10 ita>eng incontro di approfondimento In-Depth Meeting pro just_closed ok
- Nov 21 '09 ita>eng Evento lesivo avvenuto per causa violenta Harmful event that came about as a result of a violent reason pro closed ok
- Oct 5 '09 ita>eng reato offence/felony/crime pro closed no
- Aug 2 '09 ita>eng che vedano nella centralità un principio base per lo sviluppo That consider centrality a basic princile for future development pro closed ok
- Sep 21 '08 ita>eng escalation increase, intensification pro closed ok
4 Aug 9 '08 ita>eng referente della procedura In charge of the Reporting Procedure pro closed ok
4 Jul 1 '08 ita>eng pertinenza tecnologica Technological relevancy (pertience/pertinency?) pro closed ok
- May 15 '08 ita>eng strumenti assimilati Adopted instruments pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '08 ita>eng clienti trattanti Negotiating clients pro closed ok
- Mar 30 '08 ita>eng rapporto di collaborazione continua Prolonged (lasting) collaborative relationship pro closed ok
4 Mar 26 '08 ita>eng controllo di gestione Management control pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '08 ita>eng ambiti societari Different domains taken care of by the group pro closed no
4 Feb 7 '08 ita>eng certificazione comportamentale (Prior) Conduct Certification pro closed ok
4 Feb 3 '08 ita>eng direttore tecnico Chief engineer OR Technical manager pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered