Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 18 '14 deu>eng Furt aus Zuschauern passage/ trails/ path/passageway etc of spectators pro closed no
- Oct 15 '11 deu>eng Luxuskaschemme sumptuous/ lush joint pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '11 deu>eng und ihn segnet festlich wer als Kind... And solemly bless who as a child pro closed no
- May 31 '11 deu>eng als gölte keine Ferne as if the was no distance/as if distance wouldn't/didn't matter pro closed ok
NP Mar 2 '11 deu>eng himmelhoch jauchzend zu Tode betrübt now ecstatic, then whining easy just_closed no
- Dec 15 '10 deu>eng Der Spiegel, dem wir Frauen am meisten glauben, sind die Augen unserer Männer The mirror in which we women believe/trust the most is/resides in the eyes of our men/husbands pro closed no
4 Dec 4 '10 deu>eng mit seinem finsteren Gesellen with his grim companion pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '10 deu>eng Ich stehe auf dem Berge der Erwartung und öffne die Augen voller Erstaunen Here I stand on the mountain of expectation and open my eyes in awesome wonder pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '10 deu>eng aufspielen to performs its tune pro closed ok
4 Aug 1 '10 deu>eng Reuter Knight pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '10 deu>eng Du bist einzigartig, indem du lebst wer du bist. You are unique by living (out) who you are pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '10 deu>eng von Anfang an und die Quelle...nicht mehr...dies nicht from the beginning and the more...not this pro open no
- Apr 4 '10 deu>eng „So mag es bei der Fratze bleiben.“ So then let this farce remain pro closed ok
- Mar 25 '10 deu>eng Bewegungsrichtung their gaze follows the flow of the story line pro closed no
- Feb 25 '10 deu>eng Vorlesezelt live performance tent pro closed no
- Jan 13 '10 deu>eng Alle Tage sind gleich lang, aber nicht alle sind gleich breit. All of the days are equally long, yet not all are carrying the same width. pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '09 deu>eng Weissagung prophecy pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '09 deu>eng adios, lieb Vaterland Farewell, dear homeland pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered