Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 25 '23 ita>eng un libro che ha cuore e cervello A book to warm(steal) your heart yet stretch your mind pro open no
- Mar 4 '22 ita>eng feci secca la seconda riga BLEW / SNORTED the second line pro closed ok
4 Mar 4 '22 ita>eng cerchio alla testa che lo stava cogliendo. a throbbing tension headache tightening its grip (around his head...) pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '21 ita>eng e non è stato scoprire l'acqua calda. was hardly the discovery of rocket science pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '19 ita>eng che faccia di latta Well, how utterly/terribly brazen! pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '19 ita>eng stingere gave off a // gave off an intense pro closed no
- Oct 5 '16 ita>eng Sarà (essere) Lets see ! pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '15 ita>eng retorica scomoda clumsy rhetoric pro closed ok
4 Apr 22 '15 ita>eng È difficile parlarsi da una immensa distanza It is hard/difficult to speak so far apart... pro closed ok
4 Dec 4 '14 ita>eng si riduce ad un dolore fasciato di pelle e ossa And is then "subdued" / "reduced" to a pain swaddled in skin and bone pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '14 ita>eng quella vera e pulsante "authentic and buzzy" /or/ "with an authenticity and a buzz" pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '14 ita>eng futili amenità frivolous enjoyment / congeniality pro closed no
- Jun 13 '14 ita>eng sarà distillato di ricerca. extrapolated through research pro closed ok
4 Apr 2 '14 ita>eng fiaba dai sapori antichi Fairy tale/Fable with a taste of antiquity pro closed ok
4 Apr 2 '14 ita>eng se si hanno occhi consapevoli If you have some understanding of / some wisdom about pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '14 ita>eng abbraccio hugging pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '14 ita>eng un garrulo schiamazzante dopo un tuffo nel petrolio a (whipping)screeching whipbird after dip in (a pool of) petrol pro closed no
- Jan 10 '14 ita>eng che si svuota e ritorna leggero. Releasing her thoughts and unburdening (or "lightening") her mind pro closed no
- Jan 9 '14 ita>eng della scena Craftsmen of the stage pro closed no
- May 18 '13 ita>eng fatto tesoro cherished it pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '12 ita>eng rivoli brandelli torn fragments / dispersed shreds pro closed no
4 Nov 5 '12 ita>eng Impalpabile Ineffable pro closed ok
4 Oct 17 '12 ita>eng genere The crime(detective) genre and the female gender pro closed no
- Apr 2 '12 ita>eng fa l’occhiolino a un’androginia very chic All eyes will focus on this androgynous chic / this a.c. will have eyes out on stalks pro closed ok
4 Mar 16 '12 ita>eng consolidarsi in sé Find ones strength pro closed ok
4 Jul 8 '11 ita>eng prova d'acquisto Token / proof of purchase token easy closed ok
- Jul 5 '11 ita>eng in rotellina On the ball pro closed no
- Mar 31 '11 ita>eng massicciata della strada roadway pro closed no
- Mar 31 '11 ita>eng baglio "baglio + gloss" pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '11 ita>eng duro e dolce Dense but yielding pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '11 ita>eng si specchia Sees herself through the fate/destiny/prospects of a lady who is in a coma... easy closed ok
- Mar 9 '11 ita>eng andare fuori mondo the day she first set foot into her other world... pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '11 ita>eng in una terra rossa red soil easy closed ok
- Feb 28 '11 ita>eng ciccì coccò I don't think this is anything more than a run o'the mill honey (or) ..than an ordinary everyday ho. pro just_closed no
- Feb 9 '11 ita>eng bianchi curiosi di una spontaneità dimenticata inquisitive white people curious about that(the) long lost spontaneity of the past pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '11 ita>eng ti hanno distinta xxx that singled you out / set you apart / (made an impression on me) easy closed ok
- Jan 29 '11 ita>eng , questa volta in pace assoluta con le sue voglie. , this time I was totally/completely at peace as I surrendered/abandoned myself to her desires... pro closed no
- Jan 29 '11 ita>eng la finta di tramonto notturno si avvicina And the illusion/mirage of the sun setting into the night sky appeared to be getting nearer pro closed ok
- Jan 29 '11 ita>eng So già che il mondo mi ruoterà sotto i piedi I know for sure that the world is spinning beneath me / I have no doubt the world is still turning pro closed ok
- Jan 29 '11 ita>eng zeppeliane "...Influenced by memories of Led Zeppelin." pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '11 ita>eng una via un po' defilata In a side street / In an alleyway pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '11 ita>eng nel cerchio dell'abbandono e del ritorno in the cycle of abandonment and waiting for the return pro closed ok
4 Jan 18 '11 ita>eng Mi asciughi You are wearing me out pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered