Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 29 '22 por>eng Mas é só a mala e não a ida [?] The suitcase, packed, awaits, but never leaves pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '20 por>eng feito as if/as though pro closed ok
4 Mar 3 '20 por>eng O clima era de um quase desespero The atmosphere was bordering on desperate pro closed no
- Nov 7 '19 por>eng aprontar cada uma you've got me in a right mess (here) pro closed no
- Jun 30 '19 por>eng Ele Não Tem Simancol he hasn't been taking his meds pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '16 por>eng iluminação insight pro closed no
- Sep 5 '16 por>eng na minúcia dos detalhes nothing pro closed no
- Dec 4 '15 por>eng Um "quê" a mais had one unexpected twist too many pro closed ok
- May 26 '15 por>eng sabendo que isso era só um leitor de código de barras You risked getting us killed, even though you knew it was just a barcode reader pro closed no
- Feb 26 '15 por>eng seu misto de boca com vazio dos olhos para baixo he lowered his hollow eyes until they became one with his mouth, shouting pro just_closed no
4 Feb 19 '15 por>eng Não me lembrava exatamente dos algarismos, mas me lembrava da sua quantidade. I couln't remember exactly what the numbers were, but I could remember how many there were. pro closed no
- Sep 13 '14 por>eng renovámo-la we (have) celebrated it pro closed no
- Sep 13 '14 por>eng lides do mar (....the ancient bond between its inhabitants and) the traditional fishing industry pro closed ok
4 Jun 23 '14 por>eng Cabelo descolorido peroxide blonde pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered