Illustrated Building Dictionary

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Posted by: Christine Andersen

ISBN: 9788798703426
Author: Ulrik A. Hovmand, Nancy M. Andersen
Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 362
Pairs: 덴마크어에서 영어, 영어에서 덴마크어
Specific fields: 건축학, 건설/토목 공학
Publisher: 1) Huset Hovmand ApS, DK-3460 Birkerød, Denm
Price (approx.): DKK 600 in
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A unique, easy-to-follow reference work with 141 pages of illustrations and a glossary of more than 4,300 architectural and building terms in Danish and over 6,200 in English. It provides explanations of words and concepts whic are difficult, if not impossible, to find elsewhere. Cross references and definitions in both languages guide you quickly through the often confusing language of building. This is not just a dictionary: it is als suitable for educational use in building training courses, on site, in colleges and universities.