체코 공화국11:51
Rate per hour $37.00 USD
About me
I am a marketing copywriter with several years of experience. I have been working with many well-known sports and fashion brands - creating content for their websites for Czech customers. I specialize in fashion, fitness, nutrition and health.
My work
I mostly localize content and write articles for brands' websites aimed at Czech customers. I am well-acquainted with HTML and SEO.
I have worked for
More than Writers, Key Content (agencies, I can't mention the end clients, mostly well-known fashion and sports brands)
Specializing in:
- 인터넷, 전자상거래
- 마케팅/시장 조사
- 영양
- 스포츠/신체 단련/취미
- 화장품, 뷰티
- 조리/요리
- 소매
- 직물/의류/패션
- 교육/ 교육학
- 정부/정치