번역가들이 현재 진행 중인 작업

작업을 홍보하고 프로젝트 이력을 기록하기 위해 현재 진행 중인 작업을 공유하세요. 이 기능에 대해 논의합니다.

지금 어떤 번역 프로젝트를 작업 중인가요?

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Transcription of 80 minute Punjabi audio.


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Transcription of 80 minute Punjabi audio.


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Translation for Snap Inc. from English-Punjabi. Translated more than 50k words till now on Lilt. Managing the same project in Urdu and Tamil language


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Transcribing the lyrics of a Punjabi song(Dhee Sardaaran Di)


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Managing a project of English-Icelandic(40k words). Third project with the linguist.


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Working on a 54k (27k+27k) words translation project(Punjabi, Hindi) related to the Procedures that need to be followed while living in a Jail. Challenging project :)


I Do That

ProZ.com공유한 Gagan Verma게시물:

Working on a 5000 words translation from English-Punjabi. It's related to Domestic violence.


I Do That