Powwow Report for Czechy - Prague (Dec 9 2005)

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Browniz will be credited and the list of attendees will be visible when the organizer enters attendance

Report not submitted
The report by Helga Humlova has not been submitted yet

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Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 10 '05  Martin Janda: Even Better URL
Sorry - the previous one is great but for another meeting :-)
Dec 10 '05  Martin Janda: Better URL
Dec 10 '05  Martin Janda: Pictures
Hi folks,
pics from the event are available at http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/czechlist/lst?&.dir=/Mikulasska+2005&.src=gr&.view=t&.url=http%3a//us.f1.yahoofs.com/groups/g_328964/Mikulasska%2b2005/mailto.jpg%3fbcL6OmyBpR7CVdyA&.cx=150&.cy=112&.type=u
You probably need to have a yahoo account and be a Czechlist member to get there. Otherwise, please email me nad I will send you the lite versions.