The 독일어에서 이탈리아어 translators listed below specialize in the field of 건설/토목 공학. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

58 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Denise Gaioni
Denise Gaioni
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, construction engineering, metallurgy, web-designing, electronics, machine tools, QM, literature, economic contracts, ...
Alessia Bettati
Alessia Bettati
Native in 이탈리아어 (Variants: Standard-Italy, Swiss ) Native in 이탈리아어
traduttore tedesco, interprete tedesco, Dolmetscher Italienisch, Übersetzer Italienisch, interprete di conferenza tedesco, interprete di conferenza italiano, interprete di conferenza francese, tedesco, francese, interpretazione simultanea italiano, ...
Francesca Magri
Francesca Magri
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
patents, patent, brevetti, tedesco, contratti, Verträge, contract, legale, comunicati stampa, press release, ...
Michele Esposito
Michele Esposito
Native in 이탈리아어 (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in 이탈리아어
spanish translation, english to spanish translation, translation, spanish to english translation, french translation, free translation, google translation, german translation, italian translation, latin translation, ...
Laura Bozzoli
Laura Bozzoli
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
traduttore, automotive, ingegneria civile, meccanica, motori, cambi, riduttori, valvole, impianti, turismo, ...
Carsten Mohr
Carsten Mohr
Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany) Native in 독일어
Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, interprete, traduttore, interpreter, translator, interprète, traducteur, tolk, översättare, ...
Annalisa Derossi
Annalisa Derossi
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
traduttore, traduttrice, traduzione, revisore. übersetzer, übersetzerin, translator, page, Seite, Wort, word, ...
Maria Emanuela Congia
Maria Emanuela Congia
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
Technical translations, catalogues, user's manuals, contracts, patents, Fachübersetzungen, Kataloge, Verträge, Patente, manuels, ...
cristina aiosa
cristina aiosa
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어, 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
general, conference interpreter, translator, medicine, very fast service, high quality, negotiable rates, young translator, young interpreter, mother tongue, ...
samantha roncalli
samantha roncalli
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
german, dutch, tourism, marketing, renewable energy, engineering
Mohammad Khalid
Mohammad Khalid
Native in 아라비아어 (Variants: Algerian, Tunisian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Sudanese, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi) Native in 아라비아어, 영어 (Variants: US, Singaporean, Jamaican, French, Australian, US South, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British, Wales / Welsh, UK, Scottish, Irish, Canadian) Native in 영어
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training, Subtitling, Project management, localizing, Proofreading, translation, localization, ...
Maria Calà
Maria Calà
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 이탈리아어 (Variants: Standard-Italy, Sicilian) Native in 이탈리아어
professional translator, italian, german, english, native, bilingual, mothertongue, engineering, tourism, marketing, ...
Mag. Dott.ssa Elisabetta Mataloni
Mag. Dott.ssa Elisabetta Mataloni
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
Computers, Software, Poetry, Literature, Media, Multimedia, Journalism, Finance, Art, Arts & Crafts, ...
Carola Norcia
Carola Norcia
Native in 이탈리아어 (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy) Native in 이탈리아어
interpreter, conference, rome, italian, english, german, spanish, deutsch, italienisch, englisch, ...
Comunicare Srl
Comunicare Srl
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
Serena Ruggiero
Serena Ruggiero
Native in 이탈리아어 (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy) Native in 이탈리아어
translator, translation, english, german, french, Italian, Swiss Italian, translation for Switzerland, Italian for Switzerland, übersetzer, ...
Giovanna Gatti
Giovanna Gatti
Native in 이탈리아어 (Variants: Standard-Italy, Swiss ) , 독일어 (Variants: Germany, Austrian, Swiss) Native in 독일어
deutsch, italienisch, Fachübersetzer, Technik, Maschinenbau, Bauwesen, juristische Texte, Strafbefehle, EEA, Klagen, ...
Paolo Sebastiani
Paolo Sebastiani
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
Parole chiave: traduzioni, traduzione, interpretariato, interpretazione, agenzia di traduzioni, centro di traduzioni, agenzia traduzioni, traduzioni legalizzate, traduzioni giurate, traduzioni asseverate, ...
Mariella Bonelli
Mariella Bonelli
Native in 이탈리아어 Native in 이탈리아어
traduttrice cuneo, traduttore cuneo, traduzioni cuneo, interprete cuneo, interprete torino, traduzioni, interprete, interprete simultaneo, interprete simultanea, interprete consecutivo, ...
Christina Muigg
Christina Muigg
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy)) Native in 독일어
german, italian, english, russian, marketing, tourism, technical translation, transcreation, arts & culture

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.