Freelance translators » 프랑스어에서 독일어 » Other » 의료: 심장학 » Page 1
Below is a list of Other: 의료: 심장학 분야 번역의 프랑스어에서 독일어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.
검색 결과 58 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
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Mohammad KhalidNative in 아라비아어 (Variants: Lebanese, Iraqi, Algerian, Tunisian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Sudanese, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian)  , 영어 (Variants: Irish, Canadian, US, Singaporean, Jamaican, French, Australian, US South, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British, Wales / Welsh, UK, Scottish) 
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training, Subtitling, Project management, localizing, Proofreading, translation, localization, ...
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Translation, Proofread, computers, technology, software, localization,
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translation, english to german, psychology, clinical psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, psychometric tests, questionnaires, medical translation, dentistry, medical reports, ...
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Audio, Video, Advertising, Marketing, Websites, Subtitling, Subtitles, Dubbing, Tourism, Medical, ...
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Pascal ZottoNative in 룩셈부르크어  , 독일어 (Variants: Luxembourgish, Austrian, Germany) 
Zotto, Pascal, German, English, French, Italian, spanish, Luxemburgisch, Lëtzebuergesch, Luxembourgish, ...
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Medizin, Naturwissenschaften, Chemie, Biologie, Pharmazie, Literatur, Tourismus, Marketing, medicine, science, ...
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Swiss German, German, Swiss, Medicine, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmaceuticals, French, English, ...
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tourism, menus, hotels, medical, localization, ad copy, slogans, slang, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
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french, german, english, translation, website translation, localization, software, marketing translation, product description
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pharmaceutical, Pharmazie, Summary of product characteristics, SPC, ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS, Etikettierung, labeling, Packungsbeilage, Fachinformation, prescribing information, ...
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medical devices, IT translation German, technical translation, Technical Translation, TECHNICAL TRANSLATION, German IT translation, English German translation, English German IT translation, English into German Medical Instruments translation, English German Software translation, ...
14 |
Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, interprete, traduttore, interpreter, translator, interprète, traducteur, tolk, översättare, ...
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English, German, French, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, anglais, allemand, français, translator, ...
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arts, culture, architecture, agriculture, wine, tourism, history, law, science, education, ...
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English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, translation, computers, IT, technology, ...
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AnjaRNative in 독일어 (Variants: Swabian, Germany, Swiss, Alsatian) 
simultaneous interpreter, conference interpreter, consecutive interpreter, interpreter teams, interpreting, consultant interpreter, written translations, English, German, Deutsch, ...
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eltrexNative in 영어 (Variants: UK, US, British, French)  , 프랑스어 (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France, Moroccan, Canadian, Swiss) 
English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, professional Translation, Arabic, Medical, Engineering, ...
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번역가는 통역가처럼 하나의 언어를 다른 언어로 번역해 문화 간의 의사소통을 가능하게 합니다. 번역가는 구어와는 반대로 문어 텍스트로 일을 합니다.
번역은 하나의 언어에서 다른 언어로의 단순한 단어 대 단어 전환 그 이상의 것을 포함합니다. 번역가는 반드시 원어 및 번역어와 관련된 문화뿐만 아니라, 번역하는 어떤 텍스트의 주제도 충분히 이해해야 합니다.
300,000명 이상의 등록된 번역가 및 통역사와 함께, ProZ.com은 세계 최대의 언어 전문가들의 온라인 데이터베이스를 갖고 있습니다. 번역가를 찾으시려면 언어쌍을 선택하시거나 1,539,400번역가 및 통역사 고급 검색을 시도하십시오. 또한 번역 일감 게시를 통해 특정 번역 프로젝트에 대한 견적을 요청하실 수 있습니다.
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