Freelance translators » 독일어에서 프랑스어 » Science » 환경 및 생태학 » Page 3

Below is a list of Science: 환경 및 생태학 분야 번역의 독일어에서 프랑스어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.

검색 결과 193 ( 멤버십 결제)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Madeleine van Zanten
Madeleine van Zanten
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
Software, IT, telecommunications, technical, social security, statistics, mathematics, html, contract, psychology, ...
Françoise Alavoine
Françoise Alavoine
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
Keywords: traduction, français, allemand, traductrice, bilingue, bâtiment, automobile, énergies renouvelables, développement durable, environnement, ...
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
Deutsch, Französisch, Übersetzung, Recht, Vertrag, Zoll, Buchhaltung, Bilanz, Technik, Holz, ...
Elodie Bonnafous
Elodie Bonnafous
Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어
traduction allemand, traducteur allemand, traducteur technique, traducteur technique, traducteur juridique, traducteur manuel, traduction technique, traduction juridique, traduction nautique, traduction horlogerie, ...
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
tourism, media, marketing, sales, micro-economics, micro-economics, religion, history, music, literature, ...
Mariannick Verbeke
Mariannick Verbeke
Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어
english, spanish, german, french, interpreter, simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, law, politics, economics, ...
Sandrine Halary
Sandrine Halary
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
allemand, anglais, français, Suisse, traducteur, traductrice, traduction, IT, TI, B2B, ...
Eloïse Notet-Gilet
Eloïse Notet-Gilet
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
documentation technique, traitement de données, distribution, logistique, marketing, manuels techniques, guide, technique, publicité, littérature, ...
Manuela De Andrade
Manuela De Andrade
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Swiss, Germany, Austrian) Native in 독일어, 포르투갈어 (Variants: Angolan, South African, Brazilian, Cape Verdean, European/Portugal, Mozambican) Native in 포르투갈어
Handbücher, Kochbücher, Tourismus, technische Übersetzung, Automotive, Landmaschinen, Landwirtschaft, portuguese, technology, , ...
Marie Claude Etoc
Marie Claude Etoc
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어, 영어 Native in 영어
Great quality of work, very reliable, responsive provider, a great person to work with, always meets deadlines and requirements, highly recommended, accurate, reliable, economical.
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
études cliniques, brevets, traitement des eaux, pharmacologie, biochimie, odontologie, dentisterie
Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어
German, English, translation, marketing, finance, annual report, IFRS, environment, air treatment, tunnelling, ...
Andrea Jarmuschewski
Andrea Jarmuschewski
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
traduction, traducteur, traductrice, bilingue, édition, romans, littérature, livres d'enfants, localisation, oenologie, ...
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 영어 Native in 영어
German, English, Polish, all languages, Spanish, French, Italian, all Baltic languages, technical, legal, ...
Christiane Weill
Christiane Weill
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Germany, Austrian) Native in 독일어
Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, Französisch-Deutsch, vereidigter Übersetzer Französisch-Deutsch, beglaubigte Übersetzungen Französisch-Deutsch, Recht, Gesellschaftsrecht, juristische Texte, Verträge, Urkunden, ...
Volker Rauch
Volker Rauch
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
traducteur, traduction, français-allemand, allemand-français, France, Allemagne, conseil, export en Allemagne, implantation en Allemagne, coopération, ...
AigleBlanc Bysbert
AigleBlanc Bysbert
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
Into French Freelancer, Certified, Swift, industrious even under pressure, smart, available, professional, ...
Catherine Willain-Meyer
Catherine Willain-Meyer
Native in 프랑스어 (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian, Swiss) Native in 프랑스어
glass industry, sustainability, banking, marketing Glasindustrie, Nachhaltigkeit, Bankwesen Industrie du verre, produits durables, marketing bancaire
Cristèle Gillet
Cristèle Gillet
Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Swiss) Native in 프랑스어
translator french, german, Übersetzungen, deutsch, französisch, Wirtschaft, économie, economics, engineering, bureau d'études, ...
Emmanuelle Riffault
Emmanuelle Riffault
Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어
architecture, terrassement, génie civil, paysagisme, urbanisme, machines outils, tourisme et gastronomie, brevets, acier, publicité, ...

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