번역가들이 현재 진행 중인 작업

작업을 홍보하고 프로젝트 이력을 기록하기 위해 현재 진행 중인 작업을 공유하세요. 이 기능에 대해 논의합니다.

지금 어떤 번역 프로젝트를 작업 중인가요?
ProZ.com공유한 Sayed Gaber게시물:

EBSS for translation services relies on offering its highest quality and professional translation, our main concern is to provide our services at reasonable prices in all languages for both clients and companies; We have high-professional and experienced translators who have been chosen after being subject to proficiency exams prepared by specialists and professors in all languages. Our basic principles include respect for our work, thoroughness in our projects, providing service to our customers in the best possible way, and high quality with a low cost. Our services · LEGAL TRANSLATION SERVICES · MEDICAL TRANSLATION · TECHNICAL TRANSLATION · FINANCIAL TRANSLATION · MARKETING TRANSLATION · BOOK AND MAGAZINE TRANSLATION · MULTIMEDIA TRANSLATION · PROOFREADING


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