Translation trainer » Philippe Locquet

Sep 30, 2014 15:00 GMT프랑스어L’interprétation simultanée – est-elle pour vous ?Only 8 seats left
Sep 16, 2014 15:00 GMT영어Is simultaneous interpretation for you?Only 6 seats left
On-demand영어Is simultaneous interpretation for you?n/a
On-demand프랑스어L’interprétation simultanée – est-elle pour vous ?n/a
Jan 21, 2015 17:00 GMT프랑스어L’interprétation simultanée – est-elle pour vous ? 1.1Only 4 seats left
Feb 17, 2015 17:00 GMT영어Is simultaneous interpretation for you? 1.1Seats available
May 27, 2015 13:00 GMT프랑스어Domptez Wordfast Anywhere, le seul outil TAO vraiment gratuit qui en vaille la peineOnly 10 seats left
On-demand프랑스어Domptez Wordfast Anywhere, le seul outil TAO vraiment gratuit qui en vaille la peinen/a
Nov 3, 2015 10:00 GMT영어Become proficient, become mobile learning how to use the new version of the free CAT tool Wordfast AnywhereSeats available
On-demand영어Become proficient, become mobile learning how to use the new version of the free CAT tool Wordfast Anywheren/a
Apr 27, 2017 08:00 GMT포르투갈어Mobilidade e eficiência usando a nova versão gratuita de Wordfast AnywhereSeats available
On-demand포르투갈어Mobilidade e eficiência usando a nova versão gratuita de Wordfast Anywheren/a
On-demand영어Give extra power to your TMs with Kantan MTOnly 9 seats left

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