Freelance translators » 독일어에서 프랑스어 » Science » 국제 조직/개발/협력 » Page 1
Below is a list of Science: 국제 조직/개발/협력 분야 번역의 독일어에서 프랑스어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.
검색 결과 149 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
1 |
patent, patents, technical, engineering, engineer, medical, surgical, surgery, mechanical, mechanics, ...
2 |
latin, italian, german, french, danish, swedish, norwegian, dutch, english, legal, ...
3 |
traducteur, traduction, français-allemand, allemand-français, France, Allemagne, conseil, export en Allemagne, implantation en Allemagne, coopération, ...
4 |
Nicolas MarxenNative in 독일어 (Variant: Germany)  , 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) 
English, German, French, technical translations, tourism, communication, marketing, economics, accounting, public relations, ...
5 |
a/d, abnormal, access, accord, acrobat, active, ahuntsic, alarm, am, amplifiers, ...
6 |
Clio KOUSINative in 그리스어 (Variant: Modern)  , 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) 
Greek, French, English, German, dental technology, logistics, websites, tourism, chemical distribution, MSDS, ...
7 |
Array보안, 의료: 의약품, 인쇄업 및 출판업, (원거리) 전기 통신, ...
8 |
Legal, international law, marketing research, contracts, medical, pharmaceuticals, biology, marine biology, politics, press releases, ...
9 |
law, finance, legal, transcription, translation, humanities, tourism, german, french, portuguese, ...
10 |
marketing, PR, market research, real estates, business, tourism, sales, sports, travelling, internet, ...
11 |
Translation, Interpreter
Legal, Medical, Economics
French, German, English
12 |
french, english, german, translation, proofreading, revision, sworn translator, certified translation, professional, business, ...
13 |
sales, business, e-commerce, marketing, advertising, packaging, retail, agrifood, industry, food, ...
14 |
Array 컴퓨터(일반) , 컴퓨터: 시스템, 네트워크, 핵 공학/과학, 의료: 보건, ...
15 |
tourism, media, marketing, sales, micro-economics, micro-economics, religion, history, music, literature, ...
16 |
Array에너지/발전, 의료: 의약품, 의료(일반)
17 |
Project Manager, Team Lead, English, Italian, French, German, Aerospace, Defense, Defence, A&D, ...
18 |
Nasogastric tubes, feeding tubes, disposable medical devices, wastewater treatment processes, filtration, membrane bioreactor, fouling, porous media, finite elements, heat transfers, ...
19 |
FCPR, fonds communs de placement à risques, venture capital funds, risikokapitalfonds, fonds d'investissement, investment funds, Sondervermögen, UCITS, collective investment schemes, pactes d'actionnaires, ...
20 |
Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, ...
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