Freelance translators » 독일어에서 프랑스어 » Science » 국제 조직/개발/협력 » Page 7
Below is a list of Science: 국제 조직/개발/협력 분야 번역의 독일어에서 프랑스어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.
검색 결과 149 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
121 |
localisation, traduction, translation, software, hardware, logiciels, droit europeen, droit des collectivites locales, urbanisme, amenagement du territoire, ...
122 |
Clément DhollandeNative in 프랑스어 (Variants: Luxembourgish, Standard-France, Swiss, Belgian)
english to french, english to french translation, lincolnshire, french, english, german, français, anglais, allemand, farsi, ...
123 |
french, german, english, health care, medical devices, marketing, business management, commercial contracts, data protection, safety, ...
124 |
Array영양, 의료(일반) , 미디어/멀티미디어, 자동차/승용차 및 화물차 , ...
125 |
German, economics, finance
126 |
Patrick Fischer (X)Native in 독일어  , 프랑스어 
translator, reviser, interpreter, subtitler
traducteur, réviseur, interprète, sous-titreur
übersetzer, Sprachmittler, Dolmetscher, revisor, ...
127 |
climate, change, energy, ecology, transition, environment, greenhouse effect, medical, nature, rules, ...
128 |
Séverine Dupied, Lübeck, Luebeck, traducteur, traductrice, traduction, anglais-français, allemand-français, allemand, français, ...
129 |
Array핵 공학/과학, 직물/의류/패션, 농업, 에너지/발전, ...
130 |
131 |
Nathalie (X)Native in 프랑스어  , 아라비아어 
132 |
Array선박, 항해, 해양, 운송/수송/해상 운송, 컴퓨터(일반) , 제조업, ...
133 |
Florence MAAG (X)Native in 프랑스어
Array 화학, 화학 과학/공학 , 의료: 기기, 의료: 치과, 의료: 의약품, ...
134 |
Array (원거리) 전기 통신, 인쇄업 및 출판업, 미디어/멀티미디어, 인터넷, 전자상거래, ...
135 |
ANTONIO RODRIGUEZNative in 영어 (Variants: British, US)  , 스페인어 (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Argentine, US, Mexican, Chilean) 
Spanish-English, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese Translation, proofreading,
136 |
Engineering, custom-made machines, automotive, packaging, ultrasound, robotics, machinery, plastic bonding, internal combustion engines
137 |
138 |
french, english, german, medical, technical, economics, social, SDL Trados, software, engineering, ...
139 |
translation, french, english, german
140 |
technical, marketing, IT, ... translations ; consecutive, simultaneous, conference interpreting
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