Quoting deadline expired
The quoting deadline for this job passed at Jul 12, 2024 16:31 GMT.

IEB is looking for Professional Translators and Interpreters

게시: Jul 5, 2024 17:15 GMT   (GMT: Jul 5, 2024 17:15)

Job type: 가망 작업
Services required: Translation, Interpreting, Simultaneous

언어: 러시아어에서 한국어, 스페인어에서 한국어, 아라비아어에서 한국어, 영어에서 한국어, 중국어에서 한국어, 프랑스어에서 한국어, 한국어에서 러시아어, 한국어에서 스페인어, 한국어에서 아라비아어, 한국어에서 영어, 한국어에서 중국어, 한국어에서 프랑스어

직무 기술:
IEB is looking for Professional Translators and Interpreters
We are seeking experienced and certified professional translators and interpreters for the following language pairs:
Korean <-> English (Mandatory) - 150.000 Word
Korean <-> Arabic
Korean <-> Chinese - 10.000 word
Korean <-> French
Korean <-> Russian - 10.000 word
Korean <-> Spanish
English <-> Arabic
English <-> Chinese - 10.000 word
English <-> French - 10.000 word
English <-> Russian
English <-> Spanish - 10.000 word

- Proven Experience:
Demonstrable experience in providing technical translations and/or interpretation services in areas including, but not limited to, international development, development cooperation, governance and gender, green recovery and transition, and private sector engagement and development.
Please submit copies of 3 Contracts/Purchase Orders from the last 5 years.
- License or Certification:
Must hold a valid license or certification as a professional translator/interpreter company.

How to Apply:
Please apply exclusively through the provided link. Applications submitted using other forms will not be considered.
Click here or copy link in your web: [HIDDEN]

Please apply exclusively through the provided link. Applications submitted using other forms will not be considered.
Join us and be part of a dynamic team committed to delivering high-quality translation and interpretation services across diverse sectors!

Poster country: 아르헨티나

서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
멤버십: 비회원은 12시간 후 가격을 제시할 수 있습니다
주제 분야: Tender International
가격 제시 마감일: Jul 12, 2024 16:31 GMT
자세한 내용은 다음을 참조하십시오. URL 표시 안 함

외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.2 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because the quoting deadline has passed.