Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-En general glossary

Showing entries 101-150 of 789
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bobinas telescopadastelescoped spools/one spool inside another one 
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boleta bancariabank guarantee form 
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borre de actosBORME de actos (Official Gazette of the Companies Registry) 
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botella góticaGothic-style bottle 
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Br. Juan PérezSr. Juan Pérez [BR = bachiller] 
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bulhas normofonéticasnormal heart sounds 
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bulto picoprimary package 
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bump onsTopes elásticos 
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cabe destacar de cara aHowever, faced is worth pointing out that 
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Cabeza antena radarradar antenna head 
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cabeza tresquiladashorn hair 
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cable de traccióntraction cable 
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cables "vivos""live" wires 
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cables de pulpa de maderawood pulp insulated cables 
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Cadena de amigosNetwork of Friends 
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caja de distribuciónpower distribution box/centre 
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caja General de ProtecciónConsumer unit 
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calle realroyal street/royal streets 
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calzada la transacciónthe transaction is matched 
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Camillas auxiliares (in this context)supplementary/additional stakes 
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camino consolidadogravel road 
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capa base estabilizada granulométricamentebase-layer [of road] stabilized using granulometry 
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capas medias desinformadasill-informed middle classes 
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Carbon offsets credutscréditos por reducción de emisiones de carbono 
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CARDIAL Y CARDIO-OXINITICA.cardiac and oxyntocardiac-type mucosae 
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carga horarianumber of hours 
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cartelariotender documents 
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casa-partes[Installation of pre-fabricated] house sections 
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Catheter carepresión positiva/positive pressure 
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causalizadocause as ulterior motive 
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Cálculo de campos de bombeo y de interferenciasField pumping and interference tests/calculations 
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cámara multioperadormulti-operator transfer chamber 
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Cédula Hipotecariacovered bonds 
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cedulónsummons, subpoena 
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cemento ferruginoso poropelicularferruginous/iron-rich cement with pores and films 
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centro de seccionamientodistribution station 
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cepillo de escoba de nylonnylon brush 
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Certificado de PromociónPromotion Certificate 
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chapa viroladacurved sheet/plate 
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chemical policypolítica de productos químicos 
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chiflones heladosicy drafts 
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chopo de fistoblack powder rifle/gun 
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