Rate per word €0.09 EUR
Rate per hour €30.00 EUR
As a PHD in German Philology and Modern History literature and humanities texts are my natural ground. Parallel to my work as technical and legal translator I offer literary translations and I intend to expand this business. My current projects are literal translations for the series 111 Orte by the German publisher Emons Verlag. I already finished the book 111 Orte in Umbrien (ISBN 9783740802387), the next confirmed projects are Malta (by April) Langhe (by July) and Naples (by October).
Interested in :
Specializing in:
- 광고/홍보
- 관광 및 여행
- 스포츠/신체 단련/취미
- 철학
- 시 및 문학
- 법률(일반)
- 역사
- 컴퓨터: 소프트웨어
- 미술, 예술 및 공예, 그림
- 조리/요리
Language variants:
- Source languages
- 이탈리아어 – Standard-Italy
- 영어 – British
- 프랑스어 – Standard-France
- Target languages
- 독일어 – Germany
- 독일어 – Germany
- 독일어 – Germany
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