Job closed
This job was closed at Nov 3, 2024 22:00 GMT.

Internet Safety Evaluator - Dutch (NL)

게시: Oct 4, 2024 08:14 GMT   (GMT: Oct 4, 2024 08:14)
심사 및 통지 발송 위치: Oct 4, 2024 10:53 GMT

Job type: 가망 작업
Service required: Checking/editing

언어: 네덜란드어에서 영어

직무 기술:
We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key.

In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material.

Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material.

This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability.

Payment is based on completed tasks, with potential for higher earnings based on productivity.

• Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Dutch
• Residency in The Netherlands for the past three consecutive years
• Ownership and regular use of a computer with internet connection, and associated software at your expense.
• Gmail as your primary email account
• Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs
• Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction.
• Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends

Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Dutch language test. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities.

If this sounds like a role you’d be interested in taking on, please apply below.

Important notice: TELUS International will never request a monetary deposit for any role or project with the company, and our recruitment and sourcing teams only use [HIDDEN] or [HIDDEN] addresses when emailing candidates. If you are unsure as to whether a job offer is legitimate, please contact us at [HIDDEN] for confirmation.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
멤버십: 비회원은 12시간 후 가격을 제시할 수 있습니다
info 필수 원어민 수준 언어: 네덜란드어
주제 분야: IT(정보기술)
info 필수 가격 제시자 소재지: 네델란드
가격 제시 마감일: Nov 3, 2024 22:00 GMT
자세한 내용은 다음을 참조하십시오. URL 표시 안 함

외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.8 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.