Job closed
This job was closed at Nov 6, 2024 05:01 GMT.

Personalized Internet Ads Assessor - Chinese Simplified

게시: Nov 3, 2024 21:03 GMT   (GMT: Nov 3, 2024 21:03)
심사 및 통지 발송 위치: Nov 4, 2024 11:24 GMT

Job type: 가망 작업
Service required: Translation

언어: 만다린어에서 영어

직무 기술:
A Day in the Life of a Personalized Internet Ads Assessor:

In this role, you will be reviewing online advertisements by rating them on their relevance to the search terms used as well as providing feedback on their language and cultural relevance in order to improve their content, quality, and layout
Your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards making internet search and online advertising more relevant and interesting for millions of users, including yourself.
Join our team today and start putting your skills to work for one of the world's leading online advertising platforms while being a part of a supportive community that offers:

Access to complimentary mental health support benefits like free EAP and Mindfulness Apps.
Dedicated, responsive well-being team proactively offering well-being education each month, as well as quarterly initiatives.
Basic Requirements

Working as a freelancer with excellent communication skills with full professional proficiency in English and Chinese Simplified
Having familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media, and cultural affairs in Malaysia
Active use of Gmail, Google+, and other forms of social media and experience in the use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content
Daily access to a broadband internet connection, a smartphone (Android 4.1, iOS 8 or higher), and a personal computer with antivirus software to work on. You’ll also need a Barcode Scanner application to be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks.
In order to be hired into the program, you’ll take an open book qualification exam that will determine your suitability for the position and complete ID verification. Don’t worry, our team will provide you with guidelines and learning materials before your exam. You will be required to complete the exam in a specific timeframe but at your convenience!

서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
멤버십: 비회원은 12시간 후 가격을 제시할 수 있습니다
주제 분야: IT(정보기술)
가격 제시 마감일: Nov 6, 2024 05:01 GMT
외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.8 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

제시 받은 가격: 0 (Job closed)