Job closed
This job was closed at Dec 1, 2024 17:57 GMT.

TELUS International-Audio Data Collection Project-Ukrainian

게시: Nov 5, 2024 13:16 GMT   (GMT: Nov 5, 2024 13:16)
심사 및 통지 발송 위치: Nov 5, 2024 16:49 GMT

Job type: 번역/편집/교정 작업
Service required: Native speaker conversation

언어: 우크라이나어

직무 기술:
Task Description: Participants will have to record utterances displayed on a tool in their own voice using their Android mobile phone.
These utterances will be in Ukrainian language.

Each utterance to be recorded will have specific instructions on how it needs to be recorded and you are expected to follow the instruction strictly.
Please note each participant can only complete the project once.

Workload: Each participant is expected to record around 500 utterances.
The recordings will go through a QA process and only after they are QA passed, will the task be considered as completed and accepted. Utterances falling short of this requirement will be considered as incomplete and will not be compensated.

Estimated time to complete the task: 1.5 to 2 hours.

Expected project duration: Ongoing.

• 18+ years of age.
• Have access to an Android mobile phone.
• Native Ukrainian speaker.
• Fluency in English - To have the ability to understand instructions and communication emails which will be in English.
• Stable Internet connection for the duration of the task.
• A quiet environment to record the utterances.


• 15 USD for the whole task, paid upon successful completion and submission of the task.
• This is an independent contractor opportunity.
• Payment will be processed via our AI Community platform through Hyperwallet.

If you are interested, please proceed to the registration and application process under: [HIDDEN]

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
지불 조건: 30 일수 인보이스 날짜 기준.
서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
info 필수 전문지식: Other
주제 분야: 언어학
info 필수 가격 제시자 소재지: 폴란드
가격 제시 마감일: Dec 1, 2024 17:57 GMT
납기: Dec 31, 2024 17:57 GMT
추가 요건:
• 35+ years of age.
• Have access to an Android mobile phone.
• Native Ukrainian speaker.
• Fluency in English - To have the ability to understand instructions and communication emails which will be in English.
• Stable Internet connection for the duration of the task.
• A quiet environment to record the utterances.

자세한 내용은 다음을 참조하십시오. URL 표시 안 함

외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.8 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.