Quoting deadline expired
The quoting deadline for this job passed at Dec 28, 2024 14:52 GMT.

Company documents - Extracts, Certificate incorporation

게시: Dec 27, 2024 15:40 GMT   (GMT: Dec 27, 2024 15:40)

Job type: 번역/편집/교정 작업
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

언어: 영어에서 타이어

직무 기술:
Hello dear talents
BlueLion is looking for expert translators who can handle a scale of 745 net words of some company legal documents from English into Thai.
We are looking for an experienced and expert legal translator, who understands relevant terminology, context, with relevant experience and know-how.
The project will be handled on our memoQ server, hence you must have, at least, some knowledge in working on memoQ server.
In case you don't own a license. We will provide the ELM license.
Please respond to this opportunity if you meet ALL criteria:

1) You are a *freelance* translator
2) You native language is Thai, and you master English.
3) You have been working as a full time professional translator for at least the past 8 years
4) You are expert in legal translations.
5) You are familiar with working with tm tools and familiar with memoQ.
5) Should you own a memoQ Translator Pro, you'll be prioritized.
6) We are paying via PayPal or Wise account (bank wire). You must have both options availble.
7) Please submit your offer and CV and elaborate abour your experience in legal translations.
8) We apologize in advance, but we will not consider your application in the following cases:
1) You are an LSP 2) You don't provide your CV 3) You don't provide your offer

원본 형식: Microsoft Word
WIll be uploaded to our mQ server
납품 형식: Microsoft Word
From our mQ server

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
지불 방법: 동의
지불 조건: 45 일수 인보이스 날짜 기준.
Poster country: 이스라엘

Volume: 745 words

서비스 제공자 목표(작업 게시자 명시):
멤버십: 비회원은 24시간 후 가격을 제시할 수 있습니다
info 필수 전문지식: Law/Patents
info 필수 원어민 수준 언어: 도착어(들)
주제 분야: 법률(일반)
info 필수 가격 제시자 소재지: 태국
가격 제시 마감일: Dec 28, 2024 14:52 GMT
납기: Dec 30, 2024 15:24 GMT
추가 요건:
Translators with at least 8 years as a professional translator, with expertise in translating legal documents and similar domains into target languages
샘플 텍스트: 이 텍스트는 번역이 필요하지 않습니다.
At your request, and as the certified public accountants (Isr.) of xyz ltd., private company 1111111111 (hereinafter – ‘the company’), we hereby report that the holders of the signatory rights in the company are A.P, ID [HIDDEN]00 and DP, ID 626434.
외주자 소개:
This job was posted by a ProZ.com Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because the quoting deadline has passed.

제시 받은 가격: 1