730 registrants

Networking event for Poetry & Literature translators

Aug 7, 2013

Group discussion

Pay or fame?

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:10

This discussion topic was suggested by ProZ.com member Mihaela Buruiana:
What is more important to you: getting a fair payment for your work or seeing your name on the book? Is "fame" some kind of consolation for the low prices paid for literary translation? Or would you rather not get involved in a poorly paid project, even if it is something you like doing or that looks well on your resume?

To help the flow of this chat and facilitate effective discussion please note the following format:
  • Questions will be posed as follows:
    Q1. Where are located today?
  • Answers should use the following format:
    A1. I am in Syracuse, NY USA
  • People who signed up for this focus group:

    Zeynab Tajik
    Zeynab Tajik

    Huijiao Deng
    Huijiao Deng

    I'd like to find out what the market looks like, because I would like to work with fiction full time, but I won't be able to only work for fame.

    Alice Alexandre
    Alice Alexandre

    Onidia (X)
    Onidia (X)

    I am currently involved in this type of translation project.

    Ana Paula Suárez
    Ana Paula Suárez

    Personally, the combination of pay + fame is MUCH more attractive to me!

    Marijke Aarnoutse
    Marijke Aarnoutse


    How should we split with the author? Who should engage the publisher?
    Juliana Mraz
    Juliana Mraz

    You must log in before you can access most features of this event.