730 registrants

Networking event for Poetry & Literature translators

Aug 7, 2013

Group discussion

Experienced literary translators compare notes

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:10

This special discussion is designated to allow experienced literary translators (5+ years of literary translation experience) to compare notes, discuss more advanced topics and network with each other.

To help the flow of this chat and facilitate effective discussion please note the following format:
  • Questions will be posed as follows:
    Q1. Where are located today?
  • Answers should use the following format:
    A1. I am in Syracuse, NY USA
  • People who signed up for this focus group:

    Ana Paula Suárez
    Ana Paula Suárez

    "My" first book is coming out in August (plug, plug), and with a little experience under my belt I'd like to see what topics come up here.

    I've translated two books of poetry and working on a third. Also editing an anthology of translated poetry.

    I'm translating a book of my choice, out of passion. I'm also a literary writer in my target language. It would be extremely beneficial for me to learn from more experienced literary translators.
    Noura Tawil
    Noura Tawil

    I'm new in the international market, and would like to find out what it looks like.

    I'd be interested in finding out whether other literary translators do most of their networking/client contact online or via more 'traditional' methods
    IFTranslator (X)
    IFTranslator (X)

    I could not find publisher for the most award winning books of my country of Slovakia in Germany, so I stopped literary translation.
    Juliana Mraz
    Juliana Mraz

    You must log in before you can access most features of this event.