718 registrants

5th Lawyer Linguist Virtual Event

Dec 8, 2016

Virtual conference speakers »

Mariano M. Vitetta

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Speaker details

Bio:Mariano Vitetta is a certified English-Spanish translator and has a degree in law from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He studied Spanish proofreading at the Cálamo & Cran institute (Madrid, Spain). Since 2006, he works as a freelance translator, editor, and proofreader with a focus on law, economics and finance. Since 2011, Mariano also acts as an expert translator and interpreter for the courts in the City of Buenos Aires.

He is an assistant professor in the Legal Writing and Research Workshop, an optional course in the law program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). Mariano also teaches English-Spanish Legal Translation at CAECE University, Mar del Plata. He was part of the editorial board of Lecciones y Ensayos, the UBA Law School law review, where he founded and coordinated the section “Translation and Related Issues.” He is a founding member and secretary general of the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI); he is registered with the Society of Sworn Translators of the City of Buenos Aires (CTPCBA) and is a member of the Buenos Aires Bar Association (CPACF). As a plain language advocate, he is also a member of Clarity International.

5th Lawyer Linguist Virtual Event (This event)

4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event