Regionale ProZ-conferentie in Nederland
스레드 게시자: Percy Balemans (X)
Percy Balemans (X)
Percy Balemans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:31
Mar 20, 2009

Voor het geval jullie de aankondiging nog niet hadden gezien: in november organiseert de eerste regionale conferentie in Nederland. Meer informatie vind je op de conferentiepagina.

Aan het programma wordt momenteel nog hard gewerkt. Als je interesse hebt om zelf een presentatie te geven, dan kun je contact met mij opnemen.

Percy Balemans (X)
Percy Balemans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:31
주제 스타터
Inschrijving sluit 10 november! Nov 7, 2009

Als je je nog niet hebt ingeschreven voor de conferentie, moet je er snel bij zijn, want de inschrijving sluit op 10 november!

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:31
독일어에서 네덜란드어
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사이트 로컬라이저
Virtual contact of the continents? Nov 9, 2009

Good idea to film some parts of the conference?
I hope to attend the conference on Saturday and could tape some parts in case organisers, speakers and participants would like so and there are no real objections.

So, I’d like to submit a multiple choice test to the organiser(s):
A) Sorry, no good idea. Organisors, speakers and participants alike, might feel constrained.
B) Whaaaat? We organise a conference about quality and six digit income and you want to give th
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Good idea to film some parts of the conference?
I hope to attend the conference on Saturday and could tape some parts in case organisers, speakers and participants would like so and there are no real objections.

So, I’d like to submit a multiple choice test to the organiser(s):
A) Sorry, no good idea. Organisors, speakers and participants alike, might feel constrained.
B) Whaaaat? We organise a conference about quality and six digit income and you want to give the whole wide world free access to all this invaluable information? Let persons interested pay the regular price and join the conference! No cheap tricks, mister! If you show up with that camera, we’ll help you with your economisation efforts. Be sure we’ll call the police to have you jailed for unlawful entry, so you can enjoy free housing and food in prison.
C) No, we already make films ourselves to be issued at the video page and we’d like to keep track on the quality of any internet presentation of this conference.
D) No, amateur filming gives low quality and the number of viewers is limited.
E) Yes! Anybody is free to document this conference to any degree he / she wants. No problem
F) Good idea, but we’d make a scheme: only sessions with real speakers and provided the speaker does agree and the filiming doesn’t interfere in any way.

Please note I’m more or less impartial and surely have no pursuit of profit.
If the organisers do’nt agree, we’re ready now.

If the organisers do agree, we should could go more deeply into it. Possible goals include:
a) boosting the return of all efforts people make.
b) give anyone interested access to the lectures.
c) speakers may like to watch their own performance, just for fun or to show to friends.
d) speakers may like to evaluate their own lecture, to see how it did look and sound, how people did react, which responses they gave. For instance to prepare for a next lecture a year later.
e) participants may like to hear the lecture again and / or just reminisce the event.
f) people not able to join the conference or some lectures, now have access to it.
g) ....

Speakers interested in the footage of their lecture should bring a laptop with an USB port and at least 5 GB free space. Next to that, I could send it on DVD afterwards. I'm not available (no time) for making a long, smooth, general video of the whole conference. Tha would take a week of montage work.

Publication possibilities:
- 10 minute cuts on YouTube, with their links posted on the conference site.
- Similar sites? Myspace? Facebook: ?
- Speakers own website?
- ?

Virtueel Kontakt der Kontinenten?
Sorry voor het Engels, maar ik dacht dat ik het op de conferentiepagina kon plaatsen.

Percy Balemans (X)
Percy Balemans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:31
주제 스타터
Copyright issues Nov 10, 2009

Hi Henk,

I have discussed it with, but due to potential problems with copyright (of presentations) the policy is that only a professional recording service hired and paid by, with prior written approval from speakers, is allowed to record sessions, and that all those recordings stay within (and are not to be published on public sites such as YouTube). In other words: thank you very much for your offer, but we can't accept it.

We will not be pr
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Hi Henk,

I have discussed it with, but due to potential problems with copyright (of presentations) the policy is that only a professional recording service hired and paid by, with prior written approval from speakers, is allowed to record sessions, and that all those recordings stay within (and are not to be published on public sites such as YouTube). In other words: thank you very much for your offer, but we can't accept it.

We will not be providing recordings of sessions at this particular conference as this is expensive and we wanted to keep the conference prices as low as possible.



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Regionale ProZ-conferentie in Nederland

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