Er is een haar in de boter!
스레드 게시자: Bryan Crumpler
Bryan Crumpler
Bryan Crumpler  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:06
네덜란드어에서 영어
+ ...
Apr 23, 2011

56 translations later... "Try the ceiling"

AFRIKAANS : Daar is 'n hare in die botter.
Back to ENGLISH : There's a hair in the butter.
ALBANIAN : Ka një fije floku në gjalpë.
Back to ENGLISH : There's a hair in the butter.
ARABIC : هناك شعر في الزبدة.
... See more

56 translations later... "Try the ceiling"

AFRIKAANS : Daar is 'n hare in die botter.
Back to ENGLISH : There's a hair in the butter.
ALBANIAN : Ka një fije floku në gjalpë.
Back to ENGLISH : There's a hair in the butter.
ARABIC : هناك شعر في الزبدة.
Back to ENGLISH : There is hair in the butter.
BELARUSIAN : Існуе валасоў у алеі.
Back to ENGLISH : There is hair in the butter.
BULGARIAN : Има коса в маслото.
Back to ENGLISH : There's hair in the butter.
CATALAN : No hi ha pèl a la mantega.
Back to ENGLISH : No hair in the butter.
CHINESE : 没有在黄油的头发。
Back to ENGLISH : No hair in the butter.
Back to ENGLISH : No hair in the butter.
Back to ENGLISH : Hairless butter.
CROATIAN : Ćelav maslac.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald butter.
CZECH : Plešatý máslo.
Back to ENGLISH : The bald butter.
DANISH : Den skaldede smør.
Back to ENGLISH : The bald butter.
DUTCH : De kale boter.
Back to ENGLISH : The bald butter.
ENGLISH : The bald butter.
Back to ENGLISH : The bald butter.
ESTONIAN : Kiilas võid.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
FILIPINO : Bald manalo.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
FINNISH : Bald voittaa.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
FRENCH : Chauve gagner.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
GALICIAN : Calvo gañar.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
GERMAN : Bald gewinnen.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
GREEK : Φαλακρός νίκη.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
HAITIAN_CREOLE : Bald genyen.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
HEBREW : קירח לנצח.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
HINDI : गंजा जीतने के लिए.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
HUNGARIAN : Kopasz nyerni.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald win.
ICELANDIC : Sköllóttur vinna.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald work.
INDONESIAN : Gundul bekerja.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald working.
IRISH : Bald oibre.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald working.
ITALIAN : Bald di lavoro.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald job.
JAPANESE : ボールド仕事。
Back to ENGLISH : Bald job.
KOREAN : 대머리 직업.
Back to ENGLISH : Bald job.
LATVIAN : Kails darbu.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
LITHUANIAN : Nuogo kūno darbą.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
MACEDONIAN : Акт работа.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
MALAY : Nude bekerja.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
MALTESE : xogħol Nude.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
NORWEGIAN : Nude arbeid.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
PERSIAN : برهنه کار می کنند.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
POLISH : pracy Nude.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
PORTUGUESE : Nuas trabalho.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
ROMANIAN : Nud de lucru.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
RUSSIAN : Голая работы.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SERBIAN : Нуде рад.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SLOVAK : Nude práce.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SLOVENIAN : Nude delo.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SPANISH : Desnudo de trabajo.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SWAHILI : Nude kazi.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
SWEDISH : Naken arbete.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
TAGALOG : Nude trabaho.
Back to ENGLISH : Nude work.
THAI : ทำงาน Nude
Back to ENGLISH : Work Nude.
TURKISH : Çıplak çalışın.
Back to ENGLISH : Try to bare.
UKRAINIAN : Спробуйте голі.
Back to ENGLISH : Try to bare.
VIETNAMESE : Hãy thử để trần.
Back to ENGLISH : Try to ceiling.
WELSH : Ceisiwch nenfwd.
Back to ENGLISH : Try the ceiling.
YIDDISH : פּרוּווט דער סטעליע.
Back to ENGLISH : Try the ceiling.

avsie (X)
avsie (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
영어에서 프랑스어
+ ...
LOL! Apr 23, 2011

I tried it with the very simple words: "Je t'aime."

And 56 translations later, I ended up with: "Into electronics to power the device."

About half-way, for some reason "LG" appeared, and then "LG Electronics"

ARABIC : جي T'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG T'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG T'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG t'aime
CATALAN : LG t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG t'aime
CHINESE : LG电子t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG Electronics t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG Electronics t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG Electronics t'aime
CROATIAN : LG Electronics t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG Electronics t'aime
CZECH : LG Electronics t'aime
Back to ENGLISH : LG Electronics t'aime

Gee, it makes me so happy to know LG loves me

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:06
영어에서 포르투갈어
+ ...
Happy Easter, everyone! Apr 23, 2011

AFRIKAANS : Happy easter!
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Easter!
ALBANIAN : Gëzuar Pashkët!
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Easter!
ARABIC : يا للعار!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
BELARUSIAN : Які ганьба!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
BULGARIAN : Какъв срам!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
CATALAN : Quina vergonya!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
... See more
AFRIKAANS : Happy easter!
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Easter!
ALBANIAN : Gëzuar Pashkët!
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Easter!
ARABIC : يا للعار!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
BELARUSIAN : Які ганьба!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
BULGARIAN : Какъв срам!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
CATALAN : Quina vergonya!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
CROATIAN : Sramota!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
CZECH : Hanba!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
DANISH : Skam!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
DUTCH : Schande!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
FILIPINO : Kahihiyan!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
FINNISH : Hävetkää!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
FRENCH : Honte à vous!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
GALICIAN : Que vergoña!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
GERMAN : Schande!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
GREEK : Ντροπή!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
HEBREW : בושה!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
HINDI : शर्म की बात है!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
HUNGARIAN : Szégyen!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
IRISH : Náire!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
ITALIAN : Vergogna!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
JAPANESE : 恥を知れ!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
KOREAN : 부끄러운 줄 아세요!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
LATVIAN : Kauns par jums!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
LITHUANIAN : Shame on you!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
MACEDONIAN : Не ти е срам!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame on you!
MALAY : Malu!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
MALTESE : Mistħija!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
PERSIAN : شرم فرو ریخت!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
POLISH : Wstyd!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
PORTUGUESE : Vergonha!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
ROMANIAN : Ruşine!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
RUSSIAN : Позор!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
SERBIAN : Срамота!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
SLOVAK : Hanba!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
Back to ENGLISH : Shame!
SPANISH : ¡Qué vergüenza!
Back to ENGLISH : What a shame!
SWAHILI : Ni aibu!
Back to ENGLISH : It's a shame!
SWEDISH : Det är en skam!
Back to ENGLISH : It is a shame!
TAGALOG : Ito ay isang kahihiyan!
Back to ENGLISH : It is a shame!

Dave Greatrix
Dave Greatrix  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:06
네덜란드어에서 영어
+ ...
We are all translators at proz Apr 24, 2011

'course I knew this all along......

AFRIKAANS : ons is almal translators op proz
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators at ProZ
ALBANIAN : Ne jemi të gjithë përkthyesit në ProZ
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in prose
ARABIC : ونحن جميعا المترجمين في النثر
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in prose
BELARUSIAN : Мы ўсе перакладчыкі ў прозе
Back to ENGLISH : We are all trans
... See more
'course I knew this all along......

AFRIKAANS : ons is almal translators op proz
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators at ProZ
ALBANIAN : Ne jemi të gjithë përkthyesit në ProZ
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in prose
ARABIC : ونحن جميعا المترجمين في النثر
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in prose
BELARUSIAN : Мы ўсе перакладчыкі ў прозе
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in the prose
BULGARIAN : Ние всички сме преводачи в проза
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in fiction
CATALAN : Estem tots els traductors en la ficció
Back to ENGLISH : We are all translators in fiction
CHINESE : 我们都在小说翻译
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
CROATIAN : Svi smo mi u romanu prijevodu
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
CZECH : Jsme všichni v románu překladu
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
DANISH : Vi er alle i romanen oversættelse
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
DUTCH : We zijn allemaal in de roman vertaling
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
Back to ENGLISH : We are all in the novel translation
ESTONIAN : Me kõik oleme romaani tõlke
Back to ENGLISH : We all have a novel interpretation
FILIPINO : Lahat tayo ay isang nobela kahulugan
Back to ENGLISH : Everything we sense is a novel
FINNISH : Kaikki tunnemme on romaani
Back to ENGLISH : All we know is a novel
FRENCH : Tout ce que nous savons, c'est un roman
Back to ENGLISH : All we know is a novel
GALICIAN : Todo o que sabemos é unha novela
Back to ENGLISH : All we know is a novel
GERMAN : Alles was wir wissen ist ein Roman
Back to ENGLISH : All we know is a novel
GREEK : Το μόνο που ξέρουμε είναι ένα μυθιστόρημα
Back to ENGLISH : All they know is a novel
HAITIAN_CREOLE : Tout sa yo konnen se yon roman
Back to ENGLISH : All they know is a novel
HEBREW : כל מה שהם יודעים הוא רומן
Back to ENGLISH : All they know is a novel
HINDI : वे सब जानते हैं कि एक उपन्यास है
Back to ENGLISH : They all know that a novel
HUNGARIAN : Mindannyian tudjuk, hogy a regény
Back to ENGLISH : We all know that the novel
ICELANDIC : Við vitum öll að skáldsögu
Back to ENGLISH : We all know that the novel
INDONESIAN : Kita semua tahu bahwa novel
Back to ENGLISH : We all know that novels
IRISH : Tá a fhios againn go léir go úrscéalta
Back to ENGLISH : We know all that novels
ITALIAN : Sappiamo tutti che i romanzi
Back to ENGLISH : We all know that novels
JAPANESE : 我々は、すべての小説を知っている
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
KOREAN : 우리는 모든 이야기를 알아
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
LATVIAN : Mēs visi zinām stāstu
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
LITHUANIAN : Mes visi žinome, istorija
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
MACEDONIAN : Ние сите знаеме приказната
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
MALAY : Kita semua tahu ceritanya
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
MALTESE : Aħna lkoll nafu l-istorja
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
NORWEGIAN : Vi kjenner alle til historien
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
PERSIAN : همه ما می دانیم داستان
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
POLISH : Wszyscy znamy historię
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
PORTUGUESE : Nós todos conhecemos a história
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL : Nós todos conhecemos a história
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
ROMANIAN : Ştim cu toţii povestea
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
RUSSIAN : Мы все знаем историю
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SERBIAN : Сви знамо причу
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SLOVAK : Všetci vieme, príbeh
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SLOVENIAN : Vsi poznamo zgodbe
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SPANISH : Todos sabemos la historia
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SWAHILI : Sisi wote kujua ya hadithi
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
SWEDISH : Vi känner alla till historien
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story
TAGALOG : Alam nating lahat ang kuwento
Back to ENGLISH : We all know the story

[Edited at 2011-04-24 18:32 GMT]

Roel Verschueren
Roel Verschueren  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
영어에서 네덜란드어
+ ...
here is anotherone... from me to Christ Apr 26, 2011

AFRIKAANS : happy birthday
Back to ENGLISH : happy birthday
ALBANIAN : gëzuar ditëlindjen
Back to ENGLISH : happy birthday
ARABIC : عيد ميلاد سعيد
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Holiday
BELARUSIAN : Вясёлае свята
Back to ENGLISH : Happy holiday
BULGARIAN : Честит празник
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Holidays
CATALAN : Bones Festes
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
CHINESE : 圣诞节快乐
... See more
AFRIKAANS : happy birthday
Back to ENGLISH : happy birthday
ALBANIAN : gëzuar ditëlindjen
Back to ENGLISH : happy birthday
ARABIC : عيد ميلاد سعيد
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Holiday
BELARUSIAN : Вясёлае свята
Back to ENGLISH : Happy holiday
BULGARIAN : Честит празник
Back to ENGLISH : Happy Holidays
CATALAN : Bones Festes
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
CHINESE : 圣诞节快乐
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
CROATIAN : Sretan Božić
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
CZECH : Veselé Vánoce
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
DANISH : Glædelig jul
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
DUTCH : Merry Christmas
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
ESTONIAN : Häid jõule
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
FILIPINO : Maligayang Pasko
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
FINNISH : Hyvää Joulua
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
FRENCH : Joyeux Noël
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas
GERMAN : Frohe Weihnachten
Back to ENGLISH : Merry Christmas

Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)
Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
영어에서 네덜란드어
+ ...
Machine translations are useful for getting a general idea about what text written in a foreign lang Apr 29, 2011

AFRIKAANS : Masjien vertalings is nuttig om 'n algemene idee oor wat die teks geskryf in' n vreemde taal beteken.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text written in a foreign language means.
ALBANIAN : përkthimi Machine është e dobishme që të kemi një ide të përgjithshme të asaj tekstit të shkruar në një mjet për gjuhë të huaj.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​wha
... See more
AFRIKAANS : Masjien vertalings is nuttig om 'n algemene idee oor wat die teks geskryf in' n vreemde taal beteken.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text written in a foreign language means.
ALBANIAN : përkthimi Machine është e dobishme që të kemi një ide të përgjithshme të asaj tekstit të shkruar në një mjet për gjuhë të huaj.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the written text in a foreign language tool.
ARABIC : الترجمة الآلية من المفيد أن يكون فكرة عامة عن النص المكتوب ما في أداة لغة أجنبية.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text is written in a foreign language tool.
BELARUSIAN : Машынны пераклад карысна мець агульнае ўяўленне пра тое, што тэкст напісаны на замежнай мове інструмента.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text is written in a foreign language tool.
BULGARIAN : Машина превод е полезно да има обща представа за това, което текстът е написан на чужд език инструмент.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text is written in a foreign language tool.
CATALAN : La traducció automàtica és útil tenir una idea general del que el text està escrit en una eina de llengua estrangera.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful to have a general idea of ​​what the text is written in a foreign language tool.
CHINESE : 机器翻译是非常有用的一个什么样的文字是在外国语言工具编写的总体思路。
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what kind of text is written in a foreign language tools general idea.
CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED : 机器翻译是有用的,什么类型的文本是在外国语言工具编写的总体思路。
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what type of text is written in a foreign language tools general idea.
CHINESE_TRADITIONAL : 機器翻譯是有用的,什麼類型的文字是寫在一個外國語言工具的總體思路。
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what type of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
CROATIAN : Strojno prevođenje korisno je, kakvu vrstu tekst je napisan na stranom jeziku alata, opće ideje.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what type of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
CZECH : Strojový překlad je užitečné, jaký typ textu je psána v cizím jazyce nástrojů, obecnou představu.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what type of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
DANISH : Maskinoversættelse er nyttigt, hvilken type tekst er skrevet på et fremmedsprog værktøjer, den overordnede idé.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what type of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
DUTCH : Machine translation is nuttig, wat voor soort tekst is geschreven in een vreemde taal tools, het algemene idee.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what kind of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what kind of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what kind of text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
ESTONIAN : Masintõlge on kasulik, milline tekst on kirjutatud võõrkeeles tööriistad, üldine idee.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tools, the general idea.
FILIPINO : Machine translation ay kapaki-pakinabang, kung ano ang teksto ay nakasulat sa isang banyagang wika kasangkapan, mga pangkalahatang ideya.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
FINNISH : Machine käännös on hyödyllistä, mikä teksti on kirjoitettu vieraalla kielellä työkalu, yleinen ajatus.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
FRENCH : La traduction automatique est utile, ce que le texte est écrit dans un outil de langue étrangère, l'idée générale.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
GALICIAN : A tradución automática é útil, o que o texto está escrito nunha ferramenta de lingua estranxeira, a idea xeral.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
GERMAN : Maschinelle Übersetzung ist sinnvoll, was der Text in einer Fremdsprache Werkzeug, die allgemeine Idee geschrieben.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
GREEK : Η μηχανική μετάφραση είναι χρήσιμη, τι το κείμενο είναι γραμμένο σε μια ξένη γλωσσικό εργαλείο, η γενική ιδέα.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what the text is written in a foreign language tool, the general idea.
HAITIAN_CREOLE : tradiksyon Machine se itil, kisa ki ekri nan tèks la yon zouti lang etranje, lide jeneral la.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what is written in the text of a foreign language tool, the general idea.
HEBREW : תרגום מכונה הוא שימושי, מה כתוב בטקסט של כלי שפה זרה, את הרעיון הכללי.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, what was written in the text of a foreign language tool, the general idea.
HINDI : मशीन अनुवाद उपयोगी है, जो एक विदेशी भाषा उपकरण, सामान्य विचार का मूल पाठ में लिखा गया है.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful, which is a foreign language tool, written in the text of the general idea.
HUNGARIAN : A gépi fordítás is hasznos, amely egy idegen nyelv eszköz, írott szöveg az általános elképzelés.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is useful in a foreign language tool, written text, the general idea.
ICELANDIC : Vélrænar þýðingar er gagnlegt í erlendu tungumáli tól, texta, almenn hugmynd.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a useful tool in foreign language, text, the general idea.
INDONESIAN : Terjemahan mesin adalah alat yang berguna dalam bahasa asing, teks, ide umum.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a useful tool in foreign language, the text, the general idea.
IRISH : Tá aistriúchán Meaisín uirlis úsáideach i dteanga iasachta, an téacs, an smaoineamh go ginearálta.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a useful tool in a foreign language, the text, the general idea.
ITALIAN : La traduzione automatica è uno strumento utile in una lingua straniera, il testo, l'idea generale.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a useful tool in a foreign language, the text, the general idea.
JAPANESE : 機械翻訳は、外国語、テキスト、一般的な考え方に便利なツールです。
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
KOREAN : 기계 번역, 외국어, 텍스트가 일반적인 개념을위한 유용한 도구입니다.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
LATVIAN : Mašīntulkošanu, svešvaloda, tekstam ir noderīgs instruments, lai vispārējo koncepciju.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
LITHUANIAN : Mašininis vertimas, užsienio kalbų, tekstas yra naudinga priemonė, bendrą koncepciją.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
MACEDONIAN : Машинско преведување, странски јазик, текстот е корисен инструмент за генералниот концепт.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
MALAY : Mesin terjemahan, bahasa asing, teks adalah alat yang berguna untuk konsep umum.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
MALTESE : traduzzjoni Magni, lingwa barranija, it-test huwa għodda utli għall-kunċett ġenerali.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
NORWEGIAN : Machine translation, fremmedspråk, er teksten et nyttig verktøy for det generelle begrepet.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
PERSIAN : ترجمه ماشینی ، زبان خارجی ، متن ابزار های مفید برای مفهوم کلی است.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text tool is useful for the general concept.
POLISH : Tłumaczenie maszynowe, język obcy, narzędzie tekst jest przydatny do ogólnej koncepcji.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
PORTUGUESE : A tradução automática, língua estrangeira, o texto é uma ferramenta útil para o conceito geral.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL : A tradução automática, língua estrangeira, o texto é uma ferramenta útil para o conceito geral.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
ROMANIAN : Machine traducere, limba străină, textul este un instrument util pentru conceptul general.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the general concept.
RUSSIAN : Автоматический перевод, иностранный язык, текст является полезным инструментом для общей концепции.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the overall concept.
SERBIAN : Машинско превођење, страни језик, текст је корисно средство за укупни концепт.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language, the text is a useful tool for the overall concept.
SLOVAK : Strojový preklad, cudzí jazyk, text je užitočným nástrojom pre celkovú koncepciu.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language text is a useful tool for the overall concept.
SLOVENIAN : Strojnega prevajanja besedila v tujem jeziku je koristno orodje za celoten koncept.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language text is a useful tool for the whole concept.
SPANISH : La traducción automática, el texto de lengua extranjera es una herramienta útil para todo el concepto.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language text is a useful tool for the whole concept.
SWAHILI : Mashine ya tafsiri, lugha ya kigeni asilia ni chombo muhimu kwa ajili ya dhana nzima.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation, foreign language text is a useful tool for the whole concept.
SWEDISH : Maskinöversättning är främmande språk texten ett användbart verktyg för hela konceptet.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a foreign language text a helpful tool for the whole concept.
TAGALOG : Machine translation ay isang banyagang wika ang teksto ng isang helpful tool para sa ang buong konsepto.
Back to ENGLISH : Machine translation is a foreign language text a helpful tool for the whole concept.
THAI : เครื่องแปลเป็​​นข้อความภาษาต่างประเทศเครื่องมือที่มีประโยชน์สำหรับแนวคิด ทั้ง
Back to ENGLISH : Translator bear a foreign language text a helpful tool for both concepts.
TURKISH : Çevirmen yabancı dil metin her iki kavram için yararlı bir araçtır ayı.
Back to ENGLISH : Translation of foreign language text is a useful tool for every month of the two concepts.
UKRAINIAN : Переклад іноземного тексту мова є корисним інструментом для кожного місяця два поняття.
Back to ENGLISH : Translation of foreign language text is a useful tool for every month of two concepts.
VIETNAMESE : Dịch văn bản tiếng nước ngoài là một công cụ hữu ích cho mỗi tháng của hai khái niệm.
Back to ENGLISH : Translate foreign language documents are a useful tool for every month of the two concepts.
WELSH : Cyfieithu dogfennau iaith dramor yn arf defnyddiol ar gyfer pob mis o'r ddau cysyniadau.
Back to ENGLISH : Translate foreign language documents are a useful tool for every month of the two concepts.
YIDDISH : זעץ פרעמד שפּראַך דאָקומענטן זענען אַ נוציק געצייַג פֿאַר יעדער חודש פון די צוויי קאַנסעפּס.
Back to ENGLISH : Translate foreign language documents are a useful tool for every month of the two Concepts.

Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)
Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
영어에서 네덜란드어
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Now is the winter of our discontent... Apr 29, 2011

AFRIKAANS : Nou is dit die winter van ons ontevredenheid Made heerlike somer deur hierdie son van York, en al die wolke wat op ons huis lour'd In die diep boesem van die see begrawe is.
Back to ENGLISH : Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York, and all the clouds on our home lour'd In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
ALBANIAN : Tani është dimër të pakënaqësisë sonë të lavdishme Made verë nga ky dielli e York-ut, dhe të gjitha retë n
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AFRIKAANS : Nou is dit die winter van ons ontevredenheid Made heerlike somer deur hierdie son van York, en al die wolke wat op ons huis lour'd In die diep boesem van die see begrawe is.
Back to ENGLISH : Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York, and all the clouds on our home lour'd In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
ALBANIAN : Tani është dimër të pakënaqësisë sonë të lavdishme Made verë nga ky dielli e York-ut, dhe të gjitha retë në shtëpinë tonë lour'd Në gjirin e thellë të oqeanit varrosur.
Back to ENGLISH : Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York, and all the clouds in our home lour'd deep in the bosom of the ocean buried.
ARABIC : الآن هو شتاء السخط الذي قطعناه الصيف المجيدة ، عبر هذا أحد من نيويورك ، وجميع الغيوم في وطننا lour'd عميق في حضن المحيط دفن.
Back to ENGLISH : Now is the winter of discontent that we have made glorious summer, across this one from New York, and all the clouds in our lour'd deep in the bosom of the ocean buried.
BELARUSIAN : Зараз зіма незадаволенасць тым, што мы зрабілі слаўную летам, па гэтаму з Нью-Ёрка, і ўсё аблокі ў нашай lour'd глыбока ў нетрах акіяна пахаваны.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter now complain that we did a nice summer, on the New York and all the clouds in our lour'd deep in the bowels of the ocean buried.
BULGARIAN : Зимни сега се оплакват, че направихме хубаво лято, от Ню Йорк и всички облаци в нашата lour'd дълбоко в недрата на покойника океана.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter now complain that we did a nice summer, from New York and all the clouds in our lour'd deeply buried in the depths of the ocean.
CATALAN : Hivern ara es queixen que vam fer un bon estiu, des de Nova York i tots els núvols en el nostre lour'd profundament enterrat en les profunditats de l'oceà.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter now complain that we did a good summer, from New York and all the clouds in our lour'd deeply buried in the depths of the ocean.
CHINESE : 冬天了抱怨说,我们做了很好的夏天,从纽约和我们的所有lour'd云深深的海洋深处埋藏。
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that we did a very good summer, from New York and all of our lour'd cloud buried deep in the ocean depths.
CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED : 冬季抱怨说,我们做了很好的夏天,从纽约和我们lour'd云都埋在海洋的海底深处。
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that we did a very good summer, from New York and we lour'd clouds are buried in the ocean depths.
CHINESE_TRADITIONAL : 冬季抱怨說,我們做了很好的夏天,從紐約和我們 lour'd雲埋在大海深處。
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that we did a very good summer, we lour'd from New York and buried in the depths of the sea of ​​cloud.
CROATIAN : Winter se žalili da mi je jako dobar ljeto, mi lour'd iz New Yorka i pokopan u dubini mora od oblaka.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we lour'd from New York and was buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
CZECH : Zimní si stěžovala, že jsem měl dobrý v létě, jsme lour'd z New Yorku a byl pohřben v hlubinách moře mraků.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we lour'dz New York and was buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
DANISH : Winter klagede over, at jeg havde en god sommer, var vi lour'dz New York og begravet i dybet af havet af skyer.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we were lour'dz New York and buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
DUTCH : Winter klaagde dat ik een goede zomer gehad, waren we lour'dz New York en begraven in de diepten van de zee van de bewolking.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we were lour'dz New York and buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we were lour'dz New York and buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we were lour'dz New York and buried in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.
ESTONIAN : Winter kurtnud, et mul oli hea suvi, olime lour'dz New York ja maeti meresügavikus pilvede.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we were lour'dz meresügavikus New York and was buried in the clouds.
FILIPINO : Winter complained na ako ay isang magandang summer, kami ay lour'dz meresügavikus New York at inilibing sa mga ulap.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we will lour'dz meresügavikus New York and was buried in the clouds.
FINNISH : Winter valitti, että minulla oli hyvä kesä, me lour'dz meresügavikus New Yorkissa ja hänet haudattiin pilviä.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer, we lour'dz meresügavikus in New York and was buried in clouds.
FRENCH : Hiver plaint de ce que j'ai eu un bon été, meresügavikus lour'dz nous à New York et a été enterré dans les nuages.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter complained that I had a good summer meresügavikus lour'dz us in New York and was buried in clouds.
GALICIAN : Inverno reclamou que tiña un bo verán lour'dz meresügavikus nós en Nova York e foi enterrado nas nubes.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter claimed that he had a good summer lour'dz meresügavikus us in New York and was buried in clouds.
GERMAN : Winter behauptet, dass er ein guter Sommer lour'dz meresügavikus uns in New York und war in Wolken vergraben hatte.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter claims that he is a good summer lour'dz meresügavikus us in New York and had been buried in clouds.
GREEK : Χειμώνας ισχυρίζεται ότι είναι μια καλή lour'dz καλοκαίρι μας meresügavikus στη Νέα Υόρκη και είχε θαφτεί στα σύννεφα.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter claims to be a good summer lour'dz our meresügavikus in New York and was buried in the clouds.
HAITIAN_CREOLE : Sezon ivè reklamasyon gen yon lour'dz ete bon meresügavikus nou an nan New York yo antere l 'nan syèl la.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter claims a good summer lour'dz meresügavikus us in New York and buried him in heaven.
HEBREW : וינטר טוען lour'dz קיץ טוב meresügavikus לנו בניו יורק וקברו אותו בגן עדן.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter argues lour'dz good summer for us in New York meresügavikus buried him in heaven.
HINDI : सर्दियों हमारे लिए अच्छा lour'dz गर्मी का तर्क न्यूयॉर्क में उसे स्वर्ग में दफन meresügavikus.
Back to ENGLISH : Winter heat lour'dz good for us in New York's argument buried in heaven meresügavikus.
HUNGARIAN : Télen meleg lour'dz jó nekünk a New York-i érve eltemetve a mennyben meresügavikus.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz warm winter is good for us in New York's argument meresügavikus buried in heaven.
ICELANDIC : Lour'dz hlýja vetur er gott fyrir okkur í rifrildi New York meresügavikus grafinn á himni.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz warm winter is good for us in New York meresügavikus argument buried in the sky.
INDONESIAN : Lour'dz musim dingin yang hangat adalah baik bagi kita dalam argumen New York meresügavikus dimakamkan di langit.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz warm winter is good for us in New York's argument meresügavikus buried at the sky.
IRISH : Tá Lour'dz gheimhridh te maith dúinn i Nua-Eabhrac an argóint meresügavikus curtha ar an spéir.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz warm winter is good for us in New York have been arguing meresügavikus the sky.
ITALIAN : Lour'dz inverno caldo è bene per noi a New York sono stati sostenendo meresügavikus il cielo.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz warm winter is good for us in New York have been arguing meresügavikus the sky.
JAPANESE : Lour'dz暖冬は、ニューヨークで私たちのためにmeresügavikusに空を論じている良いです。
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, for us in New York meresügavikus argues that the sky is good.
KOREAN : Lour'dz 온화한 겨울, 뉴욕 meresügavikus에서 우리를 위해 하늘이 좋은 것을 주장하고있다.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winters, in New York meresügavikus good for us that the sky claims.
LATVIAN : Lour'dz siltām ziemām, Ņujorkā meresügavikus par labu mums, ka debesis prasības.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winters, New York meresügavikus good for us that the sky requirements.
LITHUANIAN : Lour'dz švelniomis žiemomis, Niujorkas meresügavikus gera mums, kad dangus reikalavimus.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winters, New York meresügavikus good for us that the sky conditions.
MACEDONIAN : Lour'dz благи зими, Њујорк meresügavikus добро за нас дека небото услови.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winters, New York meresügavikus good for us that the sky conditions.
MALAY : musim sejuk Lour'dz ringan, New York meresügavikus baik bagi kita bahawa keadaan langit.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, New York meresügavikus good for us that the heavens.
MALTESE : Lour'dz xitwa ħafif, New York meresügavikus tajba għalina li l-smewwiet.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, New York meresügavikus good for us that the heavens.
NORWEGIAN : Lour'dz mild vinter, meresügavikus New York bra for oss at himmelen.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, New York meresügavikus good for us to heaven.
PERSIAN : زمستان Lour'dz خفیف ، نیویورک meresügavikus خوب برای ما بهشت ​​است.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for our New York meresügavikus heaven.
POLISH : Lour'dz łagodna zima, dobre dla naszego nieba meresügavikus w Nowym Jorku.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for our sky meresügavikus in New York.
PORTUGUESE : Lour'dz inverno ameno, bom para meresügavikus nosso céu em Nova York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for our meresügavikus sky in New York.
PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL : Lour'dz inverno ameno, bom para o nosso céu meresügavikus em Nova York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for our sky meresügavikus in New York.
ROMANIAN : Lour'dz iarnă blândă, bun pentru meresügavikus cerul nostru din New York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresügavikus sky in New York.
RUSSIAN : Lour'dz мягкая зима, хорошо для meresügavikus небо в Нью-Йорке.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresügavikus sky in New York.
SERBIAN : Лоур'дз благе зиме, добро за мересугавикус небу у Њујорку.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresugavikus sky in New York.
SLOVAK : Lour'dz mierne zimy, dobré pre meresugavikus oblohu v New Yorku.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winters, good for meresugavikus sky in New York.
SLOVENIAN : Lour'dz mile zime, dobro za meresugavikus neba v New Yorku.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresugavikus sky in New York.
SPANISH : Lour'dz suave invierno, buena para el cielo meresugavikus en Nueva York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for heaven meresugavikus in New York.
SWAHILI : Lour'dz baridi kali, nzuri kwa meresugavikus mbinguni katika New York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresugavikus heaven in New York.
SWEDISH : Lour'dz mild vinter, bra för meresugavikus himlen i New York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresugavikus sky in New York.
TAGALOG : Lour'dz mild taglamig, mabuti para sa meresugavikus langit sa New York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz mild winter, good for meresugavikus sky in New York.
THAI : Lour'dz ฤดูหนาวเย็นสบายดีสำหรับท้องฟ้า meresugavikus ในนิวยอร์ก
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz good for cold winter sky. meresugavikus in New York.
TURKISH : Lour'dz soğuk kış gökyüzü için iyi. New York'ta meresugavikus.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz good for the cold winter sky. Meresugavikus in New York.
UKRAINIAN : Lour'dz добре для холодної зимове небо. Meresugavikus в Нью-Йорку.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz good for cold winter sky. Meresugavikus in New York.
VIETNAMESE : Lour'dz tốt cho bầu trời mùa đông lạnh. Meresugavikus ở New York.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz good for the cold winter sky. Meresugavikus in New York.
WELSH : Lour'dz dda ar gyfer yr awyr oer y gaeaf. Meresugavikus yn Efrog Newydd.
Back to ENGLISH : Lour'dz well for the cold winter air. Meresugavikus in New York.
YIDDISH : לאָור'דז געזונט פֿאַר די קעלט ווינטער לופט. מערעסוגאַוויקוס אין ניו יאָרק.
Back to ENGLISH : Light 'dz well for the cold winter air. Meresugavikus in New York.

So Richard II was an American complaining about the Estonian wheather...


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