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XFL, the language coin
스레드 게시자: Claudia Dornelles
Michele Esposito
Michele Esposito  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
영어에서 이탈리아어
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Big concerns for human translators resulting from NMT engines Jun 2, 2021


actually, machines are 'not at all' far from replacing humans in dealing with human language, namely translation. Yesterday, I read the last report issued by Memsource (Q2/2021) on quality produced by NMT engines and they now score it with an accuracy level of approx. '80%' (regarding engines such as 'DeePL', Google NMT', 'Amazon', Microsoft') in a number of domains and verticals, as well as language pairs. This could mean that in a near future most human translators might be
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actually, machines are 'not at all' far from replacing humans in dealing with human language, namely translation. Yesterday, I read the last report issued by Memsource (Q2/2021) on quality produced by NMT engines and they now score it with an accuracy level of approx. '80%' (regarding engines such as 'DeePL', Google NMT', 'Amazon', Microsoft') in a number of domains and verticals, as well as language pairs. This could mean that in a near future most human translators might be replaced by translation AI, especially if human translators strive to enhance their quality output.

This is alarming to us, especially if you consider that your comparison with physicists and mathematicians, surgeons and diplomats is not relevant because our profession is still considered by the industry a sort of manual and/or repetitive job, on the low side of skilled professionals, which is targeted as 'machine replaceable' by the industry since their ultimate goal is not to make communication easier and faster, but namely to cut on costs ....

Marta Fonseca wrote:

Michele Esposito wrote:

Ethically, have you ever thought that by contributing to enhance Neural Machine Translation, you also contribute at the same time to automate the future ‘human activity of translation’ and reduce the circulating work volume available to translators?

I have always tried to stay away from improving NMT engines because they go against our profession, both on an ethical, business and human perspective. Don’t you think so?

[Modificato alle 2021-06-01 16:44 GMT]

I think we can't simply refuse to accept innovation and expect that our refusal makes it go away. Imagine physicists and mathematicians nowadays refusing to use (non-human) computers for their calculations, postmen fighting against instant messaging and e-mail, doctors refusing to use state of the art surgical techniques of diagnostics.

Our role as translators is to make communication easier and faster in an increasingly globalized world, which is not just a matter of convenience. Faster communication means faster science advancements, faster diplomacy, faster and easier relief provided, etc. Hindering this process on purpose to keep more "manual" work volume circulating, that seems unethical to me.

I do believe MT is here to make human translators' jobs easier and not take them away, and that we have a long way ahead of us before a machine can entirely replace humans in dealing with human language. We have to use this changes to show the true value of our work instead of promoting the idea that machines can do our jobs, because they can't.

Claudia Dornelles wrote:

I've done the interview and you're exactly right. You're free to set your own hourly rate in Euros, which you can convert into XFL if you prefer. There seems to be an additional payment in XFL as well, but I haven't really looked into it as I'm waiting for the results of their (very short) test. Under all the we-are-the-future-style jargon, it's a pretty straightforward MTPE job.

Thanks for the feedback!

[Editada em 2021-06-02 11:50 GMT]

[Editada em 2021-06-02 11:51 GMT]

[Modificato alle 2021-06-02 16:21 GMT]

[Modificato alle 2021-06-02 18:48 GMT]

gayd (X)
Marta Fonseca
Marta Fonseca
영어에서 포르투갈어
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You're right, but still... Jun 2, 2021

Michele Esposito wrote:


actually, machines are 'not at all' far from replacing humans in dealing with human language, namely translation. Yesterday, I read the last report issued by Memsource (Q2/2021) on quality produced by NMT engines and they now score it with an accuracy level of approx. '80%' (regarding engines such as 'DeePL', Google NMT', 'Amazon', Microsoft') in a number of domains and verticals, as well as language pairs. This could mean that in a near future most human translators might be replaced by translation AI, especially if human translators strive to enhance their quality output.

This is alarming to us, especially if you consider that your comparison with physicists and mathematicians, surgeons and diplomats is not relevant because our profession is still considered by the industry a sort of manual and/or repetitive job, on the low side of skilled professionals, which is targeted as 'machine replaceable' by the industry since their ultimate goal is not to make communication easier and faster, but namely to cut on costs ....

It's still considered a manual, repetitive job by the industry and by the translators themselves, apparently. When we don't value our own work and pass it off as machine-replaceable, how will anyone else thing otherwise? Maybe that's too idealistic of me, but I think we should focus on the value we add to the process.
Don't get me wrong, I do know machine translation is getting better and better, creepily so, but there are certain elements, areas and languages which still have a way to go before dispensing with the work of a human altogether.
Automation is going to increase in every area of human activity and unemployment is certainly an issue we (humankind) will have to address because of it. I just don't think lingering in the past and refusing to take part in the change will be the solution.

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
영어에서 아프리칸스어
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XFL is not a recommended form of payment Jul 15, 2021

I got this message today: This message is to inform you that your post "Steer clear of XFL" has been removed because it was not in line with site rule http://www.proz.com/siterules/forum/8#8 (and the rule in question says "Posts or comments regarding a specific outsourcer, whether positive or negative, are not permitted.")

... See more
I got this message today: This message is to inform you that your post "Steer clear of XFL" has been removed because it was not in line with site rule http://www.proz.com/siterules/forum/8#8 (and the rule in question says "Posts or comments regarding a specific outsourcer, whether positive or negative, are not permitted.")

Unfortunately a copy of my original post was not included, so I can't remember exactly what I wrote, but I do recall googling for XFL and discovering enough about it to warrant my original opinion that it's probably not a reliable form of payment.

Any comment that I made to that effect was not intended as a comment about the outsourcer but about XFL itself. I had no idea who the outsourcer is/was. But since my message was deleted, and since I only commented on XFL itself, I deduce that the outsourcer was not just an advocate for XFL or a reseller of XFL, but its actual creator.

This, along with rereading the original post, leads me to a new insight: namely that the outsourcer wasn't trying to pay in XFL but was simply someone who wanted a translation for his XFL business. Many repliers in this thread (including me) interpreted the original post to mean that the outsourcer was attempting to pay in XFL, and noted that XFL is not a recommended form of payment.

Adieu  Identity Verified
우크라이나어에서 영어
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Nope! Jul 15, 2021

OP clearly asks about being paid IN said "XFL".

Of course, that can theoretically also be utilized by the creators thereof, but that would only make any such transaction even more sus.

Disclaimer: IMHO, YMMV, the hell do I know, etc.

Claudia Dornelles
Claudia Dornelles  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:47
영어에서 포르투갈어
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주제 스타터
XFL + real money Jul 15, 2021

As has been mentioned, the crypto payments are in addition to the real-life fees paid in Euros. I've accumulated a few XFL after a couple of jobs, but I think of them as a curiosity. But who knows, maybe they'll make me rich one day.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
영어에서 아프리칸스어
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@Adieu Jul 15, 2021

Adieu wrote:
OP clearly asks about being paid IN said "XFL".

While it's true that the OP asks about being paid in XFL, she does not say that the client offered to pay her in XFL. She says that the client asked her to register at his web site, and on his web site is information about XFL (it speaks about the possibility to "earn XFL", which most of us took to mean "being paid in XFL"), and this lead the OP to wonder about getting paid in XFL, but upon careful rereading the OP never actually says that the client offered to pay in XFL. And subsequent posts make it clear that the XFL function more like loyalty points that are "earned" every time you get paid.

[Edited at 2021-07-15 21:21 GMT]

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
영어에서 프랑스어
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Discussing a specific outsourcer Jul 16, 2021

If many posts in this thread (including mine) have been removed because they discuss a specific outsourcer (while in truth they pertained to a cryptocurrency which is advertised by said outsourcer), following the same logic, why the OP hasn't been moderated? Why the entire thread has not been taken down?

It now feels like an advertisement for said outsourcer.

Who moderates the moderators?

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:47
영어에서 이탈리아어
In my deleted post... Jul 16, 2021

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

If many posts in this thread (including mine) have been removed because they discuss a specific outsourcer (while in truth they pertained to a cryptocurrency which is advertised by said outsourcer), following the same logic, why the OP hasn't been moderated? Why the entire thread has not been taken down?

It now feels like an advertisement for said outsourcer.

Who moderates the moderators?

I was praising one outsourcer, not badmouthing. Very strange indeed.

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XFL, the language coin

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